Beating the Heat: A Statewide Assessment of Drought and Heat Mitigation Practices (and Needs) with Oregon Farmers and Ranchers

TitleBeating the Heat: A Statewide Assessment of Drought and Heat Mitigation Practices (and Needs) with Oregon Farmers and Ranchers
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsDinsdale, B, Re, MZamora, Tomasek, A
InstitutionOregon State University Extension Services

Farmers and ranchers across Oregon are increasingly facing challenges related to extreme drought and heat. While emergency funds have been made available to producers impacted by these pressures in recent years, their recurrence indicates the need for both pre-emptive and longer-term solutions. The Oregon State Legislature requested that Oregon State University Extension Services conduct a statewide needs assessment with Oregon farmers and ranchers to pursue this goal. This report provides an overview of what actions are already being taken by producers to manage drought and heat and what resources and support they need to become more resilient in the face of these challenges.