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“Betulaceae – Corylus avellana – hazelnut”, in The encyclopedia of fruit and nuts, CAB International., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 161-172.
, “Fine mapping of eastern filbert blight resistance in hazelnut with markers from BAC end sequences”, SHS Symposium on Molecular Markers in Horticulture (Acta Hort.), vol. 859. Corvallis, OR, pp. 395-400, 2010.
, “Assembly and characterization of the European hazelnut 'Jefferson' transcriptome”, Crop Sci., vol. 52, pp. 2679-2686, 2012.
, “A bacterial artificial chromosome library for ‘Jefferson’ hazelnut and identification of clones associated with eastern filbert blight resistance and pollen–stigma incompatibility”, Genome, vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 862 - 867, 2011.
, “‘Burgundy Lace’ Ornamental Hazelnut”, HortScience, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 387 - 390, 2018.
, “'Burgundy Lace' ornamental hazelnut.”, HortScience, 2017.
, “Characterization of American hazelnut (Corylus americana) accessions and Corylus americana × Corylus avellana hybrids using microsatellite markers”, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1055 - 1075, 2012.
, “ Characterization of American hazelnut (Corylus americana) accessions and Corylus americana x Corylus avellana hybrids using microsatellite markers”, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution , vol. 59, pp. 1055-1075, 2012.
, “Characterization of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana) cultivars using SSR markers”, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, vol. 56, pp. 147-172, 2009.
, “De novo sequencing of hazelnut bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) using multiplex Illumina sequencing and targeted marker development for eastern filbert blight resistance”, Tree Genetics & Genomes, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 1109 - 1118, 2013.
, “dentification and mapping of DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance from OSU 408.040 hazelnut”, HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 570-573, 2012.
, “Development and mapping of microsatellite markers from transcriptome sequences of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) and use for germplasm characterization”, Molecular Breeding, vol. 37, no. 2, 2017.
, “Development and mapping of new tri-nucleotide repeat simple sequence repeat markers from the hazelnut genome sequence”, PLoS ONE, vol. 12 (5), p. e0178061, 2017.
, “Development, characterization, segregation, and mapping of microsatellite markers for European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) from enriched genomic libraries and usefulness in genetic diversity studies”, Tree Genetics and Genomes, vol. 6, pp. 513-531, 2010.
, “Development of microsatellite marker loci for European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) from ISSR fragments”, Molecular Breeding, vol. 26, pp. 551-559, 2010.
, “DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance in OSU 408.040 hazelnut”, HortScience, 2012.
, “DNA markers linked to eastern filbert blight resistance in “Ratoli” hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)”, Tree Genetics & Genomes, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 337 - 345, 2011.
, “ 'Dorris' hazelnut”, HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 796-799, 2013.
, “Eastern filbert blight disease resistance from Corylus americana ‘Rush’ and selection ‘Yoder #5’ maps to linkage group 7”, Tree Genetics & Genomes, vol. 13, no. 211, 2017.
, “'Eta' and 'Theta' hazelnut pollenizers”, HortScience , vol. 47, pp. 1180-1181, 2012.
, “Genetic diversity in hazelnut cultivars from Black Sea countries assessed using SSR markers”, Plant Breeding , vol. 129, pp. 422-434, 2010.
, “A genetic linkage map for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) based on RAPD and SSR markers”, Genome, vol. 49, pp. 122-133, 2006.
, “Genetic resources for hazelnut: state of the art and future perspectives”, Acta Hort., vol. 845, pp. 159-162, 2009.
, “Geographic distribution of incompatibility alleles in cultivars and selections of European hazelnut”, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., vol. 139, pp. 191-200, 2014.
, “Hazelnut accessions from Russia and Crimea transmit resistance to eastern filbert blight”, J. Amer. Pomol. Soc., 2016.