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Book Chapter
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Dam removal, in Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition, 2008, pp. 138–142.
Conference Paper
D. Tullos, Advances in the Science and Communication of Biophysical Interactions in Riverine Landscapes II Posters, in 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, 2014.
K. DiFrancesco and Tullos, D., Assessment of the Relationship Between Flexibility and Adaptive Capacity in Flood Management Systems, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
D. Tullos, Characterizing the impacts of water resources infrastructure, humans, and hydrologic nonstationarity on changes in flood risk across the Himalaya region, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
D. Tullos, Walter, C., and Dunham, J. B., Consequences of scale of flow field observation on apparent energy expenditure and habitat selection by juvenile coho, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
J. P. Zunka, Tullos, D., and Lancaster, S. T., Effects of small sediment barrier removal on geomorphic complexity and habitat diversity, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Tullos and Cox, M., Evaluating model accuracy: Predicted and observed sediment deposition following the Chiloquin Dam removal, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Tullos, Evidence against small dam removal as an ecological disturbance: Benthic macroinvertebrate and channel responses to dam removals in Oregon, USA, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
D. Tullos, Penrose, D. L., Jennings, G. D., and Wentworth, T. R., Homogenization of Environmental Condition and Benthic Communities in Restored Streams of the North Carolina Piedmont., in AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
W. D. Rice, Fetter, D., Somerville, G., Tullos, D., and Palacijo, J., Hydraulic features of Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) and their influence on salmonid behavior, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
N. M. Czarnomski, Tullos, D., Simon, A., and Thomas, R. E., Influence of vegetation density and frontal area on streambank hydraulics, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
N. M. Czarnomski, Tullos, D., Simon, A., and Thomas, R., Influence of vegetation density and projected area on streambank hydraulics, in Conference proceedings, 33rd IAHR Congress, 2009.
M. Cox, Tullos, D., and Scherr, M., Linkage Between Geomorphic and Biological Responses of a River to Dam Removal: a Case Study From the Chiloquin Dam on the Sprague River, Oregon, 2011.
D. Tullos and Walter, C., Linking fish and fluid behavior: Results from a physical model of turbulence and bioenergetics around large wood in rivers, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
D. Tullos, Pairing Qualitative Reasoning (QR) simulations and field observations: representing information on riparian vegetation response to changes in hydrology induced by dam removal, in Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2006.
M. M. Cox and Tullos, D., Processing of a fine sediment pulse after dam removal: sediment mass balance and longitudinal trends, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
D. Tullos, Cox, M., Walter, C., Kibler, K., and Woloveke, G., Processing of sediment pulses following the removal of three small, gravel-filled barriers, 2011.
M. C. Mateus and Tullos, D., Reservoir Performance Under Future Climate For Basins With Different Hydrologic Sensitivities, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
N. M. Czarnomski, Tullos, D., Thomas, R. E., and Simon, A., Shear Stress and Turbulence Along a Streambank Due to Changes in Vegetation Canopy Density and Bank Angle, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
D. Tullos, Cox, M., Walter, C., and , Simulating dam removal with a 1D hydraulic model: Accuracy and techniques for reservoir erosion and downstream deposition at the Chiloquin Dam removal, in World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change, 2010.
C. G. Surfleet and Tullos, D., Uncertainty in hydrologic response due to climate change; Santiam River, Oregon, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.