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N. Charles Bell, Sullivan, D. M., and Cook, T. W., Mulching woody ornamentals with organic materials, Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2009.
N. Charles Bell, Sullivan, D. M., and Cook, T., Mulching woody ornamentals with organic materials., EC 1629-E, 2009.
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D. Roberts, Vyhnanek, K., and Rao, S., Multi-agency team uses university archival tool to conserve vital project information, Journal of Extension, 2012.
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S. L. Larkin, The multidimensional role of intrinsic quality in the management of natural resources : a bioeconomic analysis of the Pacific whiting fishery, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1998.
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L. Gutiérrez, Germán, S., Pereyra, S., Hayes, P. M., Pérez, C. A., Capettini, F., Locatelli, A., Berberian, N. M., Falconi, E. E., Estrada, R., Fros, D., Gonza, V., Altamirano, H., Huerta-Espino, J., Neyra, E., Orjeda, G., Sandoval-Islas, S., Singh, R., Turkington, K., and Castro, A. J., Multi-environment multi-QTL association mapping identifies disease resistance QTL in barley germplasm from Latin America, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 128, pp. 501 - 516, 2015.
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T. K. Walsh, Joußen, N., Tian, K., McGaughran, A., Anderson, C. J., Qiu, S., Ahn, S. - J., Bird, L., Pavlidi, N., Vontas, J., Ryu, J., Rasool, A., Macedo, I. B., Tay, W. T., Zhang, Y., Whitehouse, M. E. A., Sylvie, P. J., Downes, S., Nemec, L., and D.G, H., Multiple recombination events between two cytochrome P450 loci contribute to global pyrethroid resistance in Helicoverpa armigera, PLoS ONE , vol. 13, no. 11, 2018.
S. Morran, Moretti, M. L., Brunharo, C. Augusto de, Fischer, A. J., and Hanson, B. D., Multiple target site resistance to glyphosate in junglerice (Echinochloa colona) lines from California orchards, Pest management science, 2018.
S. Hong Park, Hanning, I., Jarquin, R., Moore, P., Donoghue, D. J., Donoghue, A. M., and Ricke, S. C., Multiplex PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Campylobacter spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Salmonella serotypes in water samples., FEMS Microbiol Lett, vol. 316, no. 1, pp. 7-15, 2011.
R. S. Rasmuss Hellberg, Morrissey, M. T., and Hanner, R. H., A Multiplex PCR Method for the Identification of Commercially Important Salmon and Trout Species (Oncorhynchus and Salmo) in North America, Journal of Food Science, vol. 7565204182746853229341137270231396818328166516553862102757232202315548501562537417334141, no. 713-4953962121931246512626, pp. C595 - C606, 2010.
R. S. Rasmusse Hellberg, Morrissey, M. T., and Hanner, R. H., A multiplex PCR method for the identification of commercially important salmon and trout species (Oncorhynchus and Salmo) in North America., J Food Sci, vol. 75, no. 7, pp. C595-606, 2010.
M. Akin, Nyberg, A., Postman, J., Mehlenbacher, S. A., and Bassil, N., A multiplexed microsatellite fingerprinting set for hazelnut cultivar identification, European Journal of Horticultural Science, vol. 81, no. 6, pp. 327 - 338, 2016.
B. J. Naylor, Endress, B. A., and Parks, C. G., Multiscale detection of sulfur cinquefoil using aerial photography, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 58, pp. 447–451, 2005.