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Journal Article
D. Andrew Barry, Sander, G. C., Jomaa, S., Yeghiazarian, L., Steenhuis, T. S., and Selker, J., Solute and sediment transport at laboratory and field scale: Contributions of J.-Y. Parlange, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 6111–6136, 2013.
T. S. Steenhuis, Boll, J., Shalit, G., Selker, J., and Merwin, I. A., A simple equation for predicting preferential flow solute concentrations, Journal of environmental quality, vol. 23, pp. 1058–1064, 1994.
M. Deinert, Parlange, J. - Y., Steenhuis, T. S., Unlü, K., Selker, J., and K Cady, B., Real-time measurement of water profiles in a sand using neutron radiography, Proceedings of Hydrology Days. S, pp. 56–63, 2002.
J. Selker, Steenhuis, T. S., and Parlange, J. Y., Preferential flow in homogeneous sandy soils without layering, Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers (USA), 1989.
T. S. Steenhuis, Baver, C. E., Hasanpour, B., Stoof, C. R., DiCarlo, D. A., and Selker, J., Pore scale consideration in unstable gravity driven finger flow, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 7815–7819, 2013.
A. Rimmer, Steenhuis, T. S., and Selker, J., One-dimensional model to evaluate the performance of wick samplers in soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 59, pp. 88–92, 1995.
Y. Liu, Steenhuis, T. S., Parlange, J., Bierck, B. R., Selker, J., and , High intensity X-ray and tensiometer measurements in rapidly changing preferential flow fields, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 57, pp. 1188–1192, 1993.
J. Boll, Selker, J., Shalit, G., and Steenhuis, T. S., Frequency distribution of water and solute transport properties derived from pan sampler data, 1997.
J. Selker, Steenhuis, T. S., and Parlange, J. - Y., An engineering approach to fingered vadose pollutant transport, Geoderma, vol. 70, pp. 197–206, 1996.
M. Deinert, Parlange, J. - Y., K Cady, B., Steenhuis, T. S., and Selker, J., On the continuum-scale modeling of gravity-driven fingers in unsaturated porous media: The inadequacy of the Richards equation with standard monotonic constitutive relations and hysteretic equations of state, Water resources research, vol. 39, 2003.