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J. J. Wu, Environmental compliance: the good, the bad, and the super green, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 90, pp. 3363–3381, 2009.
J. J. Wu, Input substitution and pollution control under uncertainty and firm heterogeneity, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 2, pp. 273–288, 2000.
J. J. Wu, Adams, R., and Plantinga, A. J., Amenities in an urban equilibrium model: Residential development in Portland, Oregon, Land Economics, vol. 80, pp. 19–32, 2004.
J. J. Wu, Adams, R., Kling, C. L., and Tanaka, K., From microlevel decisions to landscape changes: an assessment of agricultural conservation policies, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 86, pp. 26–41, 2004.
J. J. Wu, Barkley, P. W., and Weber, B., Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics: Human-nature, Rural-urban Interdependencies. Earthscan, 2008.
J. J. Wu and Irwin, E. G., Optimal land development with endogenous environmental amenities, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 90, pp. 232–248, 2008.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., The relative efficiency of voluntary vs mandatory environmental regulations, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 38, pp. 158–175, 1999.
J. J. Wu, Xu, W., and Alig, R. J., How Do the Location, Size and Budget of Open Space Conservation Affect Land Values?, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 73 - 97, 2016.
J. J. Wu, Public Open Space Conservation under a Budget Constraint, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 111, 2014.
J. J. Wu, Zilberman, D., and Babcock, B. A., Environmental and distributional impacts of conservation targeting strategies, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 41, pp. 333–350, 2001.
J. J. Wu, Environmental amenities, urban sprawl, and community characteristics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 52, pp. 527–547, 2006.
J. J. Wu, Weber, B., and Partridge, M., Rural-Urban Interdependency: A Framework Integrating Regional, Urban and Environmental Economic Insights, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 464-480, 2017.
J. J. Wu and Chen, Y., The Evolution of Municipal Structure, Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 16, pp. 917-940, 2016.
J. J. Wu and Skelton-Groth, K., Targeting conservation efforts in the presence of threshold effects and ecosystem linkages, Ecological Economics, vol. 42, pp. 313–331, 2002.
J. J. Wu and Olen, B., How do Extreme Climate Events Affect Specialty Crops and Irrigation Management?, OreCal Issues Brief, vol. 012, 2014.
J. J. Wu and Plantinga, A. J., The influence of public open space on urban spatial structure, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 46, pp. 288–309, 2003.
J. J. Wu, Sexton, S., and Zilberman, D., Energy price shocks, household location patterns and housing crises: Theory and implications, Energy Economics, vol. 80, pp. 691 - 706, 2019.
J. J. Wu, Crop insurance, acreage decisions, and nonpoint-source pollution, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 81, pp. 305–320, 1999.
J. J. Wu, Fisher, M., and Pascual, U., Urbanization and the viability of local agricultural economies, Land Economics, vol. 87, pp. 109–125, 2011.
J. J. Wu and Babcock, B. A., Spatial heterogeneity and the choice of instruments to control nonpoint pollution, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 18, pp. 173–192, 2001.
J. J. Wu and Yu, J., Efficiency-Equity Tradeoffs in Targeting Payments for Ecosystem Services, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 894-913, 2017.
J. J. Wu and Boggess, W. G., The optimal allocation of conservation funds, Journal of Environmental Economics and management, vol. 38, pp. 302–321, 1999.
J. J. Wu and Olen, B., The 2014 Farm Bill: What Are the Major Reforms and How Do They Affect Western Agriculture?, OreCal Issues Brief, vol. 013, 2014.
R. Wu, Frei, B., Kennedy, J. A., and Zhao, Y., Effects of refrigerated storage and processing technologies on the bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacities of ‘Marion’and ‘Evergreen’blackberries, LWT-Food Science and Technology, vol. 43, pp. 1253–1264, 2010.