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“High-throughput characterization of chemical-associated embryonic behavioral changes predicts teratogenic outcomes.”, Arch Toxicol, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 1459-70, 2016.
, “Histological analysis of acute toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in zebrafish.”, Aquat Toxicol, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 25-38, 2004.
, “HSP101 functions as a specific translational regulatory protein whose activity is regulated by nutrient status”, Genes & development, vol. 12, pp. 3236–3251, 1998.
, “Identification and Toxicological Evaluation of Unsubstituted PAHs and Novel PAH Derivatives in Pavement Sealcoat Products.”, Environ Sci Technol Lett, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 234-242, 2016.
, “Identification of a critical amino acid in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor.”, J Biol Chem, vol. 277, no. 15, pp. 13210-8, 2002.
, “Identification of a putative calcium-binding protein as a dioxin-responsive gene in zebrafish and rainbow trout.”, Aquat Toxicol, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 271-82, 2003.
, “Identification of a Raloxifene Analog That Promotes AhR-Mediated Apoptosis in Cancer Cells”, Biology (Basel), vol. 6, no. 4, 2017.
, “Identification of a Raloxifene Analog That Promotes AhR-Mediated Apoptosis in Cancer Cells.”, Biology (Basel), vol. 6, no. 4, 2017.
, “Identification of zebrafish ARNT1 homologs: 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxicity in the developing zebrafish requires ARNT1.”, Mol Pharmacol, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 776-87, 2006.
, “Identification of zebrafish ARNT1 homologs:TCDD toxicity in the developing zebrafish requires ARNT1”, Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 69, no. 3, 2005.
, “Identification of zebrafish ARNT1 homologs:TCDD toxicity in the developing zebrafish requires ARNT1”, Molecular Pharmacology, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 776-786, 2005.
, “Improved in vivo targeting of BCL-2 phenotypic conversion through hollow gold nanoshell delivery.”, Apoptosis, 2019.
, “In Vivo Characterization of an AHR-Dependent Long Noncoding RNA Required for Proper Sox9b Expression.”, Mol Pharmacol, vol. 91, no. 6, pp. 609-619, 2017.
, “In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish.”, Carbon N Y, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1891-1898, 2007.
, “In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish”, Carbon, vol. 45, pp. 1891–1898, 2007.
, “Induction of apoptosis and suppression of tumor growth by Nur77-derived Bcl-2 converting peptide in chemoresistant lung cancer cells.”, Oncotarget, vol. 9, no. 40, pp. 26072-26085, 2018.
, “The influences of parental diet and vitamin E intake on the embryonic zebrafish transcriptome.”, Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics, vol. 10, pp. 22-9, 2014.
, “Integrating zebrafish toxicology and nanoscience for safer product development.”, Green Chem, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 872-880, 2013.
, “Integrative strategies to understand nanomaterial-biological interactions”, International Perspectives on Environmental Nanotechnology, p. 51, 2010.
, “Introduction to zebrafish: current discoveries and emerging technologies for neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology.”, Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 607, 2011.
, “Investigating the application of a nitroreductase-expressing transgenic zebrafish line for high-throughput toxicity testing.”, Toxicol Rep, vol. 4, pp. 202-210, 2017.
, “Investigating the impact of chronic atrazine exposure on sexual development in zebrafish.”, Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 276-88, 2012.
, “Isolation and characterization of the 102-kilodalton RNA-binding protein that binds to the 5′ and 3′ translational enhancers of tobacco mosaic virus RNA”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 271, pp. 14316–14322, 1996.