Publishing Expenses

Departmental Support

Multiple graduate funds have designations to provide support to students or staff members for publications where Fisheries and Wildlife is listed as the author's institution. You must submit acknowledgment of funding in your publication, therefore, requests made after publication cannot be considered.  Applicants should  review the complete FWCS Publication and Travel Award Policies and Rubrics.

The department’s graduate committee will review applications for travel and publication awards in Fall and Spring cycles.

Applications must be received by the announced deadline for full consideration in that round of review.  In each cycle, the graduate committee will review the set of submitted applications, allocate the available funds among the meritorious proposals and ensure alignment with the disciplinary priorities and requirements that some donors established as conditions of their gifts. If submitted requests exceed the available funds, then the committee will use the criteria listed above to select specific proposals for funding. If funds remain, these may be allocated to requests received after the full consideration date.  The graduate committee will evaluate late breaking requests in the order received.

Requests for publication fees should be submitted sufficiently early to allow for review in one of the two annual cycles. This will likely mean submission of the funding request approximately six months before the anticipated invoice date, such as at the time that a journal indicates that a publication will be acceptable after revision. Publication awards for manuscripts not-yet accepted will be contingent on demonstration of final acceptance.

Applications should include:

  • A letter from the applicant outlining the purpose of the request and explaining the importance of the proposed travel or publication to the applicant’s professional development or career trajectory. In most cases, this letter should come from the student leading the research, not the principal investigator.
  • A proposed budget for the total cost of the travel or publication, including any portion exceeding the level of requested support, and detailing the availability of any other funds (e.g. grants or faculty accounts) that could help meet these costs. 
  • If the applicant is a student, a letter of support from a member of the department’s faculty.  This will usually come from the student’s major professor but could come from a committee member or other collaborator working closely with the student.
  • A copy of the submitted or accepted conference abstract if the request will support presentation at an academic conference.  If conference registration has not yet opened, a draft abstract is acceptable.
  • A draft or accepted copy of the manuscript’s abstract, specification of the intended journal or other publication venue, and a note identifying the current stage of the associated manuscript (e.g. in prep, in review, in revision) if the request will support publication costs.

Submit applications as a single PDF to on or before the announced deadlines.  The letter of support may be sent separately, if desired.

OSU Library

PeerJ operates a peer-reviewed journal and a preprint server, covering the biological and health sciences, and computer sciences. All articles published in PeerJ are immediately and freely accessible on the web. OSU Libraries and Press are proud to offer OSU faculty coverage of APCs (article processing charges) for PeerJ in support of their open access publishing activities. The charge will be paid when OSU faculty have an article accepted for publication in PeerJ. Please contact Michael Boock with questions.