Registration for Winter 2025 starts Sunday, Nov 18th, for graduating seniors but check your registration day and time below.
Classes fill fast so check your priority registration time and register on time. Check your registration status by logging into Beaver Hub for the date and time when you can register. Under Academic Resources, select Check Your Registration Status.
Advisors will contact you and provide appointments between Weeks 6-8. Not sure who your advisor is? Check MyDegrees in the first block that has your name, student level and campus information. If Misty Donaghy Cannon is your advisor in MyDegrees, she will send a separate email to you directly.
For current Corvallis students with faculty advisors, your advisor will either email you directly or have appointment times available on Beaver Hub.
Registration Restrictions & Finding Classes
Review the degree requirements in the FWCS Undergrad Advising Guide and MyDegrees.
Browse the Schedule of Classes or the Ecampus-only Schedule of Classes for class availability.
Registration Restrictions
Prerequisites: (BI 211, 211H, 221, 221H or 204) and (BI 212, 212H, 222, 222H or 205) and (BI 213, 213H, 223, 223H or 206).
A minimum grade of D- is required in BI 211, BI 211H, BI 221, BI 221H, BI 204, BI 212, BI 212H, BI 222, B 222H, BI 205, BI 213, BI 213H, BI 223, BI 223H and BI 206.
Look for other registration restrictions such as campus, major or class level. Review the Registrar's guide to registration errors before contacting your advisor if you receive an error when registering.
Campus Restrictions
A few classes have campus restrictions because they are offered at the Corvallis campus and Ecampus in winter term (it will read Enrollment limited to students in the Dist. Degree Corvallis Student campus). This is only a Phase I restriction for Corvallis students registering in Ecampus sections. If your campus is Corvallis, waitlisting and registration will be available for the Ecampus sections during Phase 2. The exception is for the online sections of FW 209 and FW 307 that are always restricted to Ecampus students. Do not contact us asking why you cannot register for the Ecampus section during Phase 1 Registration.
FW 209 – Corvallis students cannot register for the Ecampus section. Ecampus sections require Advisor approval
FW 307 – Corvallis students cannot register for the Ecampus section. Ecampus sections require Advisor approval
FW 251 – Principles of Fisheries and Wildlife
FW 317 - Mammalogy
FW 318 – Systematics of Mammals
FW 320 – Population Dynamics
FW 209 and FW 307 Ecampus sections require Advisor approval for all students before registration. If you see the SAPR Department Approval Message, you need advisor or instructor approval to register.
Special Note about Ecampus Botany Classes - Due to capacity issues, Ecampus sections of many botany classes are limited to Ecampus students within the Botany major. If you are in Corvallis, I strongly recommend taking the Corvallis sections of these classes. For winter term, the classes are BOT 313 - Plant Structure, and BOT 331 - Plant Physiology. We do not recommend BOT 323 - Flowering Plants of the World because it is a Writing Intensive class for botany students.
BOT 341 - Plant Ecology is only offered via Ecampus in winter. Check for major restrictions before attempting to register. We cannot grant overrides into this class, but we can facilitate an override if you are close to graduation.
Check the Overrides and Other Course Restrictions section of the Schedule of Classes before contacting You need an override if you did not take all your general biology classes at OSU (see list above for example restrictions). Get overrides BEFORE registrations begins. We cannot provide overrides without an email from your OSU address account that includes your Student ID.
Do not contact fw.advising to get overrides into classes from other departments. You can find contact information for other departments in the advising guide.
Reminders and Resources
Need refresher on how to register for classes? Use the tutorials and learning resources on the Registrar's page.
You can register for up to 16 credits during Phase I registration. If a class is full but has a waitlist, check your Phase 2 registration time to find out when you can waitlist it. You can also register for up to 19 credits during Phase 2. There are no exceptions to these rules.
Academic Calendar: You can review start and end dates for fall and winter terms here. Make sure to select 2025 for the upcoming winter term
Graduation: If you will be graduating in Winter 2025 through Summer 2025, discuss your final class selections with your advisor. Corvallis campus students should contact Misty Donaghy Cannon for a graduation audit.