HR & Payroll


To establish a new student position complete the Hourly Request Form. This form will not save progress for later submission, so make sure you have all relevant information ready when you begin (i.e. billing index, job duties, CHC needs, etc.). The button on the bottom of the form to ‘Submit Job Posting’ will not be available until all tabs are completed with the job details. Picture below for reference.

The student employment team ( will reach out directly to you with any questions. Otherwise, you will be notified when you posting has gone live. Once the position closes, you will work with the student employment team to get a person hired.

Student Hire Resources

Student Hourly Hiring Support & General Questions:    

Supervisor Resources

All new positions will begin with submitting a Position Description (PD) to HR for approval. Once approved, a completed Posting Details Template will be needed. Both templates are available in the tab below. Please contact Christine Meiwes with questions or when you are ready to submit your documents.

Hiring Resources

Any general HR questions, including FTE changes:

Questions about a current open recruitment:

Recruitment Resources

CAS Hiring Manual

Search Committee Training 

CAS Policy And Procedures

Timesheets & Payroll

EmpCenter is the software used by OSU for employee timesheets and there are several supervisor training guides and other resources available at their website.

Hourly employee timesheets are due on the 15th of every month. EmpCenter will send employees a reminder email to submit their timesheet. Employees can log in to EmpCenter to make any edits and submit their timesheet. 

Faculty and Staff timesheets are due the last day of every month. EmpCenter will send employees a reminder email to submit their timesheet. Employees can log in to EmpCenter to make any edits and submit their timesheet. Please make sure to appropriately document sick, vacation and/or other leave time taken during the month. See the HR manager if you have questions about how to properly log your time. 

Faculty, staff, and students are paid on the last business day of the month. 

Employees can access and edit personal information (current mailing address, phone number, emergency contacts, etc.) by visiting the online services portal. Log in with your ONID credentials then click the "Personal Information" tab to view and/or change the content. Under the "Employee" tab you can select 'Pay Information' where you can then add direct deposit account details or print off prior pay stubs. If you need to update your vendor payment address please contact the Office Specialist 2.


  1. Refer to this checklist. If anything below the first checkbox applies to your volunteer then we will need to do a criminal history check (CHC) before they can begin with their work.
  2. Contact Wynton Davis with the following information:
    1. Student name and email
    2. Supervisor name and email 
  3. Wynton will route the form through DocuSign. The supervisor will fill out information pertaining to the project and expected duties, and then the student will virtually sign the form.
  4. NOTE: The volunteer must pass the CHC before they can begin working on the project. Please consider this as you are planning personnel for your projects so that you can avoid delays. 
  5. Once the forms are completed FWCS staff will log and file the forms to be kept for the appropriate retention period. 

If you have questions please reach out to Wynton Davis or Amanda Polley. 

HR Resources

Employee Assistance Program for Employees (EAP) – a free confidential service to assist you and eligible family members with any personal concern such as; relationship problems, depression or anxiety, stress management, alcohol & drug abuse, community resources or identity theft.

CAPS – Counseling and Psychological Services for students 

University Ombuds Office A designated neutral or impartial conflict resolution practitioner who provides confidential and informal assistance to visitors on a variety of issues and concerns.  The University Ombuds Office provides a safe place to share your concerns.

Accident Reporting

Criminal History Check (CHC)

DMV check


Telecommuting Form Oregon State University (OSU) supports telecommuting where there is an operational need, or there is potential for University savings. This policy applies to all OSU employees. Academic and research faculty are not required to have a Telecommuting Agreement on file with the Office of Human Resources (OHR). All other employees who telecommute must have an approved Telecommuting Agreement on file with OHR.

Payroll questions (leave, leave balances, time entry, etc) - or 541-737-4375

How to update your web profile

College of Agricultural Sciences Emergency Operations Plan