Tech, Website, and IT

Tech, Website, and IT Resources

Common-Use Computer Facilities in Corvallis

The Fisheries and Wildlife Department maintains a bank of 10 common-use computers in the Student lounge in Nash Hall room 110. These computers are equipped with standard software including office, R, ArcGIS and Distance. This is a catalog of software that is typically available in campus computer labs.

These computers are available for all students, faculty and staff within the Fisheries and Wildlife department, and can be accessed using your ONID ID. Printing that is done in the student lounge requires students to log on with their ONID and printing charges will be reflected on their student account.

Graduate students have the option of printing in the copy room (Nash 104 complex) and those prints are free if you set up a code with any of the support staff in Nash 104.

Obtaining Help in Corvallis

The ROOTS Computing Group provides infrastructure and support for the computing needs of College of Agricultural Sciences and their departments.

Detailed information including multiple FAQ’s with self-help guides are available at the ROOTS website.

In-person assistance with campus computing resources.

ROOTS Support // 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday

Common-Use Facilities in Newport

Guin Library at Hatfield Marine Science Center has 7 desktop computers for public use. These computers use Windows 10 and have the standard Microsoft Office suite; specialty software can also be loaded for specific instructional needs. These computers are connected to the campus Citrix server for remote access to ArcGIS and similar resources.

Guin Library also has two Chromebooks (Chrome OS) and two laptop computers (Windows 10 OS) available for checkout to OSU-affiliated students, staff, and faculty with an ONID login.

Obtaining Help in Newport

IT support at Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) is managed by the central IT service desk in Corvallis. All IT support requests at HMSC must be routed through that desk using the contact phone or email below. If the issue cannot be resolved remotely, it will be elevated to the on-site HMSC Information Services staff. The HMSC Information Services office is in the second story of the 900 Building (Education Wing), and can be accessed from either stairway found in the Education Wing hallway.

Contact IT Service Desk:

View our collected resources and guidelines for digital and tech support at Oregon State.

It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with, and follow, computer policy. These policies are subject to change. Current policies are available here.

Hitting any key on a powered up OSU computer will bring up the login window. Older models running on Windows 7 still require you to press CTRL + ALT + DEL.

You can change your password anytime. Go to and log in with your current ONID username and password. Select "change password" in the left hand menu then fill in your current password and your new password twice in the boxes available. Passwords must be at least 14 characters long and utilize uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. Passwords that are too simple or based on common dictionary words will be rejected.

All users must sign up for Duo, OSU's multi-factor authentication system. This system keeps your account secure by pairing your logins with something you know (your password), and something only you have (a token generator or mobile device). When you attempt to access secure sites at OSU, you will be prompted to enter a code or approve a message from Duo before you can continue. For more information, please see the Duo page.

We recommend using Eduroam as your wireless access point. Eduroam is a secure, worldwide network access service. It will be available to you at many other universities as well. Information about accessing Eduroam can be found here.

Your MS Exchange email address will be created as: (Example:

Most general use and lab computers have MS Outlook installed which will allow you to check your MS Exchange email account. You can also use other email clients as long as they're able to connect to MS Exchange accounts. Further instructions on how to configure MS Outlook can be found here.

Another method to access your mail is to use the University's Exchange Outlook Web Access system. Use as a username and your current password. The ONID username is usually lastnamefirstinitial.

ROOTS users have access to different network file shares (remotely accessed storage space) depending on which department you reside in. These shares are automatically mapped (linked to your computer) when logging in to a University computer. If you need help with manually mapping a network drive you can follow the instructions on this FAQ page.

  • U Drive -> This is your home directory containing the personal space that only you can access. This share has a quota of 15GB, is backed up nightly, and retained (thus recoverable) for a period of 60 days.
  • S Drive -> This is the share directory. Each department has their own S Drive, which is used as a place to share files between users within and outside our supported departments.
  • R Drive -> This is the research directory. It's used as a place for labs to share files between fellow lab users.

In addition, the University has partnered with BoxGoogle, and Microsoft. Campus IT users therefore also have access to storage space provided on these company’s cloud servers.

Many of the printers in the departments are available through our print servers. Please refer to this page for help adding printer access to campus computers. The Nash 104 printer is a Ricoh.

Poster and 3D printing are both available to Roots users. Further information can be found on the poster printing page and the 3D printing page.

OSU VPN Service: For remote access to on-campus IT resources.

OSU Wireless Access: For accessing the University's wireless network. OSU recommends use of the Eduroam wireless network, which can connect to a number of different university wireless networks worldwide.

Client Services: OSU's central information services group.

Canvas: OSU's Canvas system (course management system that supports online learning and teaching)

ONID: The OSU computer accounts available to all students and employees.

Software Licenses: A list of software available to staff/students.

Student Computing Services: Information about campus computing labs, library services, etc.

Remote Apps: Information about the Citrix remote application program, which allows users to remotely access many of the same programs found in OSU computer labs.

Dreamspark: A repository of discounted or free software from Microsoft, VMWare, and Adobe.

Enhanced Classrooms: Classrooms with teleconferencing and multimedia support.

Kaltura: OSU's video delivery portal.

Zoom: A videoconferencing and web collaboration tool.

  • Box login and download
  • OSU Software Licenses

Citation Software:




The Fisheries and Wildlife Department also maintains access to resources at the Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing.

There are three primary ways to access the CGRB Computing Resources:

  1. Fill out the web form to obtain a CGRB account and access the resources directly at their website under account request. This is for users who have knowledge of using Linux/UNIX and/or have help within the lab they are working.
  2. Contact anyone within Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Teaching Facility (ACTF) teaching group and pay for one-on-one training. Users can submit and request via the web interface. This is for anyone looking to understand how the CGRB computational infrastructure works, how to submit jobs and how to manage files.
  3. Sign up for courses through the CGRB’s Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Teaching Facility (ACTF). A large number of courses are presently provided, and more can be added based on the community’s requests.

Please contact ROOTS Support (Corvallis) or HMSC IT (Newport) for assistance in purchasing computers and peripherals. We have contracts with Dell and other computer vendors, and can offer attractive pricing on enterprise-grade computing equipment. Our base system has 8 GB of RAM, an i5 processor, and a 256 GB SSD.