Seabird Oceanography Lab

The Seabird Oceanography Lab is involved in research focusing on seabird ecology, movement ecology, oceanography, and integrated ecosystem studies while providing research and educational opportunities for students.


The Seabird Oceanography Lab (SOL) at Oregon State University is involved in research focusing on seabird ecology, movement ecology, oceanography, and integrated ecosystem studies while providing research and educational opportunities for students. We are spread across OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, and OSU’s main campus in Corvallis, with our academic home in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences.

Our research applications range from colony- and vessel-based observational studies to deploying state of the art electronics to study individual foraging, dispersal, migration, and behavior patterns of seabirds. These biologging data are often integrated with in-situ and remotely-sensed measures of prey resources or their proxies or related to human activities (e.g., fishing) or threats. In addition to environmental "bottom-up" studies, we also study the "top-down" effects of predators on seabird population dynamics and life histories. 

Conservation aspects of our research include species restoration, population assessment and monitoring, seabird-fishery interactions, identification of marine important bird areas, and marine spatial planning.

We seek to engage students and the public in seabird science and conservation via social media, community presentations, experiential education, banding programs, webcams, and other means.

Predators, Oceans & Ecosystems

Predators, Oceans & Ecosystems Feed

“Professional Puffin Paparazzi”: Photographing Tufted Puffins at Haystack Rock

Nov 12, 2024

By Eliza Wesemann, Summer 2024 Tufted Puffin Bill Load Photography Technician Pacific Herring, sardine, larval fish, salmon, smelt, squid, and lamprey. What do these ocean creatures have in common? They were all on the Tufted Puffin’s menu this summer, and this season the puffins ate like kings. My name is Eliza Wesemann, and this summer …

To Fledge or Not to Fledge: Yaquina Head End of Season Update, Summer 2024

Oct 14, 2024

By Hannah Motta, Environment for the Americas Intern at Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area Although it’s not the typical rainy season that signals the end of summer here, we officially wrapped up our Yaquina Head field season on the morning of August 16th. My name is Hannah, and I’m an Education and Outreach Intern with …

Notes from the field: Seabird Predators on Oregon’s South Coast

Aug 15, 2024

By Travolis Williams, Oregon State University undergraduate Was sup everyone, My name is Travolis Williams. I am a Junior currently at Oregon State University. I am originally from St. Louis, Missouri. I came to Oregon to pursue a degree in marine biology and found this once in a lifetime opportunity with VIEW fellowship this past …