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John Chapman

John.Chapman [at]
Office: 541-737-4531
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Hatfield Marine Science Center 2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Aquatic biological invasions, invertebrate zoology and peracaridan crustacean taxonomy. Climate consequences for species invasions and diversity changes in marine coastal systems, the historical origin and mechanisms of marine invertebrate dispersal, the criteria for introduced species and the geographical impacts of humans on ecosystems, the processes of biological invasions and the systematics of marine peracaridan crustaceans, invertebrate ecology and systmatics. An illustrated key to the 345 shallow water shallow water marine and estuarine gammaridean amphipod crustaceans of the American Pacific from Point Conception to the Columbia River. (One out of every eleven species in the 1001 page 4th edition of "Light and Smith's Manual" are gammaridean amphipods).