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Thomas Hurst
thomas.hurst [at]
Office: 541-737-7022
I am interested in the ecology of early life stages of marine species and the constraints imposed by the environment. I am particularly interested in the pervasive influence on temperature variation on all aspects of physiology and ecology of ectotherms. A current area of research is the role of temperature variation on growth dynamics and survival patterns of juvenile fishes, including the phenomenon of winter mortality among temperate and boreal fishes. I am also interested in the influence of temperature on predator-prey behavioral interactions, habitat selection, growth energetics, and larval ecology. A new avenue of research is the potential impacts of ocean acidification on fishes on trophic dynamics of the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. My research is focused on species of commercial importance in Alaska: walleye pollock, Pacific cod, northern rock sole, and Pacific halibut.