Get Connected


There are professional societies and organizations throughout the nation and the world dedicated to the advancement of fisheries and wildlife science, conservation biology, and ecology. Professional development can make the difference in your success as a student and a graduate. For example, some Corvallis campus and Ecampus undergraduate students participate in either the American Fisheries Society or The Wildlife Society. There are many student groups at OSU that offer a great way to get involved locally and meet like-minded people. 

Corvallis Campus Connections

OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Club

FW Mentorship Program

OSU Bird Nerds

OSU Marine Team

Integrated Biology Club

Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resource, and Related Sciences

Fish and Wildlife Graduate Student Association

Professional Societies

Why Join a Professional Society?

Links to Professional Societies

Joining a professional society or association is an essential component of building professional relationships for your career development.  There are associations for nearly every area of interest in our profession and many have national, state and regional chapters.

Associations sponsor numerous events throughout the year that allows you to connect with professionals and peers. Since most associations have national or local conferences, you have the opportunity to learn about current advances, hear from key achievers and brainstorm with others who are also looking to share and learn new information. You may even find a local mentor to help you with your professional development.

Most associations provide access to journals, magazines, and newsletters as a part of your membership privileges.  Additionally, associations provide scholarship and awards for students. And don't forget, listing your association membership on your resume is impressive to current or future employers as it shows that you are dedicated to staying connected with others in your profession.

So, whether you are looking to learn about job postings in your field, network in your professional community, gain access to current events in your specialization area, or just have some fun while meeting new people, joining a professional society is the first step!

Ecampus Connections 

FW Mentorship Program - FWCS graduate students are looking for undergraduates to assist in their research projects, some of which are remote. Check their website frequently for updates!

Is there a project near you? FWCS Around the World - Check out this interactive map that showcases the amazing research and biological conservation activities in action. 

Visit the Ecampus site and learn more about Ecampus student services. Ecampus also runs a knowledge base that can answer your questions about online education.

Want to join a student club? Each year our AFS/TWS Student Chapter asks for an Ecampus liaison. Look for an email at the end of spring term for more information. 

Ecampus Advisors

Michelle Donaghy Cannon
Liz Kelly

Whitney Creason

Erica Johnson

Looking for a job?
Make sure to sign up for the FW-jobs listserv, or check the FWCS job & internship board.