Extension Fisheries

Photo credit: Michael Heck, USGS

The Extension Fisheries Program provides the public with information on fish, fisheries, aquatic habitat and watershed related issues in the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.

Upcoming Events

Our Willamette Waters: Science in Service of Policy, Management and Restoration

November 12-13, 2024

La Sells Stewart Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Conference website and registration information

Previous Events

  • Watersheds: Assessing Degradation and Carrying Out Restoration

 A Two-Part Workshop

Module 1 - January 26, 2022

Module 2 - March 30, 2022

Location: Virtual Delivery via Zoom

Summary: These two half-day virtual workshops includes a combination of front lecture and small work group sessions, both run via ZOOM platform, that will examine the various degrees and causes of watershed degradation, and methods of prioritizing, planning, and interlinking watershed restoration projects. In addition, the concepts of ecotones, hyporheic zone and habitat repairs, the link ecohydrology and ecosystem services, and the importance of maximizing connectivity for water security will also be examined. 

Registration Fee: $150 for each individual module or $250 for both

Registration Link: ( https://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/watersheds-workshop )

  • Fish Passage Conference 2017 - Oregon State University, Corvallis Campus June 19-21, 2017
  • Fish Passage Conference 2016 - University of Massachusetts Amherst June 20-22, 2016
  • Watershed Restoration Workshop - Oregon State University, Corvallis Campus, May 3rd & 4th.
  • Fish Passage Conference 2015 - The Netherlands June 22-24, 2015
  • International Fish Passage Conference (2013)
  • Aquatic Organism Passage Workshops (2010 & 2013)
  • Watershed Restoration Workshop: prioritizing actions and monitoring outcomes (2004 & 2010 & 2011)
  • West Coast Symposium on Effects of Tide Gates on Estuarine Habitats and Fishes (2006)
  • Instream Gravel Extraction Symposium (2004)
  • ODFW’s Methods of Aquatic Habitat Inventories and Data Analysis Workshop (2003)
  • Monitoring Habitat Restoration Projects in Interior Watersheds: How do we know that we are making a difference? (2002)
  • Environmental Leadership for Youth (ELY): This educational program will be offered during 2018 and 2019 with the goal of preparing students in 8th to 12th grade to become more aware of environmental issues, the role of science in resource management and learn about career options. The program is offered in collaboration with 4-H Faculty and is sponsored by the Meyer Memorial Trust.
    • One of the components of ELY will be the “Discover the Willamette Camp” to be offered at the OSU Corvallis Campus between June 23 to 26, 2018. View the 2019 flyer
    • ELY was featured in The Source, the College of AgSci newsletter. Read it here!

Willamette Valley Seasonal Habitats - Fish in Flooded Fields


Field Guide: 

This field guide is helpful for those that are conducting research in the valley, work for a watershed council or soil and water conservation district, or farm in the valley. The link below is the free downloadable version, but you may buy a hard copy from Extension and Experiment Station Communications. 

Field Guide to Common Fish of the Willamette Valley Floodplain (.pdf)

Extension & Experiment Station Communications
Oregon State University
422 Kerr Administration Building  |  Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel: 541-737-4123  |  Fax: 541-737-0817
OSU Extension:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter


Ecological Effects of Tide Gate Upgrade or Removal: A Literature Review and Knowledge Synthesis

Calapooia Watershed, Oregon: National Institute of Food and Agriculture - Conservation Effects Assessment Project (2012) D. LK. Hoag, G.R. Giannico, J. Li, T.S. Garcia, W. Gerth, M. Mellbye, G. Mueller-Warrant, S. Griffith, D.L. Osmond, G.D. Jennings, M. Arabi, D.W. Meals. Chapter 19. 327-341. In Osmond, D.L., D.W. Meals, D.L.K. Hoag and M. Arabi (eds.).  How to Build Better Agricultural Conservation Programs to Protect Water Quality: The National Institute of Food and Agriculture–Conservation Effects Assessment Project Experience.

Impact of Land Use Patterns and Agricultural Practices on Water Quality in the Calapooia River Basin of Western Oregon (2012) G.W. Mueller-Warrant, S.M. Griffith, G.W. Whittaker, G.M. Banowetz, W.F. Pfender, T.S. Garcia, G.R. Giannico. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Vol. 3: 183-201. 

Influence of Watershed Scale Atrazine Reduction Practices on Pesticides and Fishes within Channelized Agricultural Headwater Streams (2012) P.C. Smiley Jr., K.W. King, R.B. Gillespie, N.R. Fausey. Journal of Sustainable Watershed Science & Management Vol. 1: 61-75. 

Influence of Herbaceous Riparian Buffers on Physical Habitat, Water Chemistry, and Stream Communities within Channelized Agricultural Headwater Streams (2011) P.C. Smiley Jr., K.W. King, N.R. Fausey. Ecological Engineering Vol. 37: 1314-1323. 

Fish Community Response to Evolving Channel Complexity in an Agricultural Headwater System (2011) T.D. Crail, J.F. Gottgens, A.E. Krause. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Society Vol. 66: 295-302

Making Sense of Nitrogen Flux Patterns in the Calapooia River Basin (2011) Mueller-Warrant, G., S. Griffith, G. Whittaker, G. Banowetz, W. Pfender, T. Garcia, and G. Giannico. See Production Research at Oregon State University. 2010- Ext/CrS 130, 3/11. 40-44p.

Grass Seed Agriculture and Invertebrate Communities of Seasonal Wetlands in the Southern Willamette Valley (2011) Wyss, L., A. Herlihy, B. Dugger, J. Li, B. Gerth, and G. Giannico Seed Production Research at Oregon State University. 2010 - Ext/CrS 130, 3/11.

Management Implications of the Relationships Between Water Chemistry and Fishes within Channelized Headwater Streams in the Midwestern United States (2009) P.C. Smiley Jr., R.B. Gillespie, K.W. King, C. Huang. Ecohydrology Vol. 2: 294-302. 

Three-year GIS of Western Oregon Grass Seed Cropping Practices (2008) G.W. Mueller-Warrant, G.W. Whittaker, S.M. Griffith, G.M. Banowetz, T.S. Garcia, G.R. Giannico, B.C. McComb. OSU USDA-ARS Seed Production Research Report, 37-40.

Assessing Trade-Offs Between Crop Production and Ecological Services: The Calapooia Basin (2008) R.W. Colvin, G.R. Giannico, A.T. Herlihy, W.J. Gerth, R.B. Confessor, R.G. Fare, T.S. Garcia, S.M. Griffith, S.P. Grosskopf, B.C. McComb, G.W. Whittaker, and G.W. Mueller-Warrant Seed Production Research at Oregon State University. 2007-EXT/CrS 127, 3/08 - 78-79 p.

Fish and Amphibian Use of Vegetated and Non-Vegetated Intermittent Channels in the Upper Willamette Basin R.W. Colvin, K.S. Boyer, G.R. Giannico, J.L. Li and S.M. Griffith. Oregon Seed Extension Research Program Seed Production Research Report 2006 - 60 p.

Fish and Amphibian Use of Intermittent Agricultural Waterways in the South Willamette Valley G.R. Giannico, J.L. Li, K.L. Boyer, R.W. Colvin, W.J. Gerth, M.E. Mellbye, S.M. Griffith and J.J. Steiner. Oregon Seed Extension Research Program Seed Production Research Report 2005 - 61-64 p.


Making Sense of Nitrogen Flux Patterns in the Calapooia River Basin (2011) Mueller-Warrant, G., S. Griffith, G. Whittaker, G. Banowetz, W. Pfender, T. Garcia, and G. Giannico. See Production Research at Oregon State University. 2010- Ext/CrS 130, 3/11. 40-44p.

Grass Seed Agriculture and Invertebrate Communities of Seasonal Wetlands in the Southern Willamette Valley (2011) Wyss, L., A. Herlihy, B. Dugger, J. Li, B. Gerth, and G. Giannico Seed Production Research at Oregon State University. 2010 - Ext/CrS 130, 3/11.

Assessing Trade-Offs Between Crop Production and Ecological Services: The Calapooia Basin (2008) R.W. Colvin, G.R. Giannico, A.T. Herlihy, W.J. Gerth, R.B. Confessor, R.G. Fare, T.S. Garcia, S.M. Griffith, S.P. Grosskopf, B.C. McComb, G.W. Whittaker, and G.W. Mueller-Warrant Seed Production Research at Oregon State University. 2007-EXT/CrS 127, 3/08 - 78-79 p.

Migration and Passage of Redband Trout in the Donner und Blitzen River, 2007-2009  M. Anderson, G. Giannico and S. Jacobs. ODFW - Fish Division. Information Reports Number 2009-05.

Fish and Amphibian Use of Vegetated and Non-Vegetated Intermittent Channels in the Upper Willamette Basin R.W. Colvin, K.S. Boyer, G.R. Giannico, J.L. Li and S.M. Griffith. Oregon Seed Extension Research Program Seed Production Research Report 2006 - 60 p.

Fish and Amphibian Use of Intermittent Agricultural Waterways in the South Willamette Valley G.R. Giannico, J.L. Li, K.L. Boyer, R.W. Colvin, W.J. Gerth, M.E. Mellbye, S.M. Griffith and J.J. Steiner. Oregon Seed Extension Research Program Seed Production Research Report 2005 - 61-64 p.

Proceedings of the 2006 West Coast Symposium on the Effects of Tide Gates on Estuarine Habitats and Fishes. 2006. G. Giannico and J. Souder. ORESU-T-05-001. Regional Symposium on In-stream Gravel Extraction and its Effects on Fish Habitats. 

Contact Us

Frank Burris, Extension Watershed Educator, Curry County, 541-247-6672, frank.burris@oregonstate.edu

Sam Chan, Watershed Health and Aquatic Invasive Species Specialist, 503-679-4828, samuel.chan@oregonstate.edu

Guillermo Giannico, Extension Fisheries Specialist, Associate Professor, 541-737-2479, giannico@oregonstate.edu  Oregon Field Guide 2012 - Ditch Fish

William Hanshumaker, Oregon Sea Grant Chief Scientist, Senior Instructor, 541-867-0167, bill.hanshumaker@oregonstate.edu