Graduate Students

Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Alkinani, Abdullah
PhD Fellow
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

My academic interests focus on studying food webs within the rivers of Oregon State.

PhD Fisheries

Alles, Laken Contact person by email

Antonelli, Kelsi Contact person by email

The distribution, abundance, and life history of the salmonid parasite Salmincola californiensis in Willamette Valley Reservoirs; fish health; toxicology and water quality

Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Appel, Cara Contact person by email

Applications of machine learning to wildlife research and conservation. Projects include bioacoustics for northern spotted owl monitoring and camera traps for studying mammal community dynamics

PhD, Wildlife Science

Aydogan, Hakan Contact person by email PhD

Bankhead, Kyra
Graduate Research Assistant
Contact person by email

Drivers of maladaptive behavioral propagation of human-centric foraging tactics in Bottlenose dolphins.

M.S. Wildlife Science

Barlow, Dawn Contact person by email

Ecology, space use, and habitat modeling of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in New Zealand's highly industrial South Taranaki Bight region

PhD, Wildlife Science
Barrett, Hannah Contact person by email

Water temperature effects on aquatic ecosystems - Cutthroat utilization of cold water refuges during seasonal high temperature events on the Willamette River

PhD, Fisheries Science
Baumann, Laura Contact person by email

I will be studying the microclimates of bat hibernacula in New Mexico, how environmental factors relate to bat behavior, and using LiDAR to make 3D cave models. 

Binder, Wesley
Graduate Fellow

Multispecies interactions in Yellowstone National Park.

PhD, Wildlife Science

Bird, Clara Contact person by email M.S.

Boisen, Olivia Contact person by email

Olivia is a current PhD student in Fisheries Science, studying the effectiveness of seagrass restorations in Oregon from the perspective of fish and invertebrate communities.

Faces of AgSci Feature -> https://agsci....

PhD, Fisheries Science

Bowman, Joshua Contact person by email

I am investigating physiological and behavioral stress responses to chemical cues in sharks, skates, and rays with Dr. Taylor Chapple's Big Fish Lab. 

Ph.D, Fisheries Science

As a Master’s student in the Big Fish Lab, Josh is investigating the physiology and behavior of sharks as they relate to predator-prey dynamics. As large predatory fish, sharks have few natural predators and therefore are...

Boyt, Reilly
Graduate Student
Contact person by email M.S., Fisheries Science

Brill, Gabriella Contact person by email

My research focuses on seasonal habitat use and movement of Pacific  White Sturgeon in the John Day Reservoir of the Columbia River.

M.S. in Fisheries Science

Broughton, Farallon Contact person by email

Effects of trematode parasites on ecological food webs and community structure of streams in the Pacific Northwest

Smiling student with long reddish hair wearing a gray pullover hoodie and turquoise shorts rows a boat across pale green water. Deciduous trees in the background. Campbell, Margaret
Graduate Student
Contact person by email MS Fisheries Science

I am a master's student in Will White's Fisheries Oceanography and Population Dynamics lab. My project is modeling the impacts of offshore wind farms coming to the coast of Oregon.

Carey, Katherine Contact person by email

Causey, Annie Contact person by email

Chazal, Natalie Contact person by email

Clements, Nolan Contact person by email

I study long-term change in the tropical forest bird communities of Panama.

PhD Wildlife Science

Cortes, Alvaro Contact person by email

Using molecular and morphometric methods to describe the diversity of fishes around the world. I am currently working on freshwater sculpin fishes (Cottus spp.) of the Pacific Northwest

Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Cousins, Christopher Contact person by email PhD

Dawn, Allison Contact person by email

De Thomas, Rahiza Contact person by email

Composition, distribution, and abundance of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities with a special emphasis on aquatic insects in agricultural channels in the Willamette Valley.

Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Dew, Aleah Contact person by email Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Diaz, Lauren Contact person by email

Dickey, Jacob Contact person by email

I am interested in multi-scale spatial and ecological relationships for aquatic species. I am researching habitat relationships for a pair of lamprey species found in south-central Oregon, using geospatial, modeled environmental data, and site level measurements. 

M.S. Fisheries Science

Diehl, Wilhem Contact person by email

Dodd, Raymond Contact person by email

Dolinajec, Noah Contact person by email

Duhn, Elizabeth Contact person by email

Dymit, Ellen
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

I study coastal wolves in Alaska and arboreal carnivores in Guatemala using non-invasive methods. 

PhD, Wildlife Science

Dziedzic, Emily Contact person by email

Exploring novel molecular methods to assist wildlife management. I worked with ODFW and USFS to create a database of mitogenomes for the development of an eDNA monitoring program for Oregon's freshwater vertebrates. I am also part of a team developing an RNAi control to combat ...

PhD Student, Wildlife and Conservation Science
Engelman, Catherine Contact person by email

My dissertation research is focused on ecology of wintering grassland birds, including area-sensitivity, habitat selection, and habitat segregation. My research includes an analysis of wintering habitat use by chestnut-collared longspurs, and Sprague’s pipits (a former Endangered Species Act...

PhD, Wildlife Science
Woman leans over side of boat where a shark is being held in a sling. English, Maddie
Graduate Student
Contact person by email M.S., Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Science

As a master's student in Dr. Taylor Chapple's ...

Erickson, Brian
Postdoctoral scholar
Contact person by email

I am a social scientist who uses ideas from social psychology and behavioral science to study and (hopefully) improve conservation program success for people and the planet. My dissertation focused on why people trust and distrust each other and the emotions people felt in the context of...

Postdoctoral scholar, Conservation social scientist

Fisher, Jennifer Contact person by email PhD, Fisheries, PhD

Fleener, Henry Contact person by email

Developing a high-density flow-through system for rearing Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae. 

M.S. Fisheries Science

Foster, Sarah Contact person by email

Ganuelas, Leon Contact person by email Professional Science Master's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Gee, Sean Contact person by email

Gianella, Trenton Contact person by email

I am researching Mule Deer Resource Selection looking specifically at the impact of annual grass encroachment on native mule deer forage composition, cover, biomass, and quality. 

Master of Science, Wildlife Science

Gokce, Emir Contact person by email

Haab, Kimberly
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

My graduate research explores the impact of juniper removal on Greater sage-grouse and the surrounding vegetative and invertebrate communities. More generally, I am passionate about conservation and ornithology. I have prior research experience related to bird banding, robber fly ethology and...

Master of Science, Wildlife Science

Hallerud, Margaret Contact person by email

Hansen, Michael Contact person by email

Harrington, Krista Contact person by email

Harris, Dominick Contact person by email

My interests are Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS), also known as Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and how these knowledge systems can used and incorporated in research and policy. 

Hendrickson, Courtney Contact person by email

My interest lies at the intersection of disease ecology, community biology, and wildlife conservation. Specifically, I am curious about the impacts of the amphibian microbiome on immune function and disease susceptibility. In my PhD, I look forward to examining the role of host vs....

Hicks, Madeline Contact person by email

My thesis project explores potential growth opportunities and mortality risks for juvenile salmonids rearing in seasonally disconnected habitats in the Skagit River.

Hildebrand, Lisa Contact person by email

Space use, foraging ecology, and anthropogenic impacts of the Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG) gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus)

PhD, Wildlife Science

Hoffman, Tucker
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

My work involves invertebrate ecology and riparian management in Northeastern Oregon. Specifically, I am investigating (1) the response of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities to Low-tech Process Based Restoration (LTPBR) and (2) the response of non-bee...

Wildlife Science

Hong, Anne Contact person by email Professional Science Master's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Hoover, Kelli Contact person by email

Irvine, Ladd
Research Associate
Contact person by email

I use satellite tags and data loggers to study the movement and behavioral ecology of large whales. I'm particularly interested in their feeding ecology, how it varies across different temporal and spatial scales and what it can tell us about the underlying distribution of prey in the areas...

PhD, Wildlife Science (completed March 2024)

Iversen, Elysha Contact person by email

My academic interest is in the possible reintroduction of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) to the Oregon coast. 

PSM in Wildlife Administration

Jan, Arif
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Javakhishvili, Natia Contact person by email

Johnston, Morgan Contact person by email

Justiniano, Isabel
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

My research focuses on exploring belief systems of Latino/a/x communities in the Pacific Northwest and understanding how these relate to outdoor recreation habits and use of outdoor spaces.  

Kaplan, Rachel
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Student in aqua blue shirt sits at a table with several labeled specimen jars of various sizes. There is a photo of an otter on the wall. Kashiwabara, Lauren
Graduate Student
Contact person by email Ph.D. in Wildlife Sciences

I am researching plastic pollution in Oregon gray whales and their prey, mysid shrimp, in the Brander Lab.

Rebecca Kelble holding a greater sage-grouse with a GPS transmitter Kelble, Rebecca
Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate Students
Contact person by email MS in Wildlife Sciences

I am studying a declining population of greater sage-grouse in Central Oregon at the western edge of greater sage-grouse range, investigating possible causes for the decline. These investigations include collecting data on human disturbances, avian predator densities, conifer encroachment, and...

Kelley, Kayla Contact person by email

I am investigating juvenile Chinook salmon dispersal patterns based on spawner origin and riverscape conditions, and juvenile abundance at habitat restoration sites in northeast Oregon. I'm also interested in differences in distribution and dispersal patterns between wild and hatchery origin...

M.S. Fisheries Science

Kennedy, Katherine Contact person by email

Kennedy, Anna Contact person by email

Oregon State University Faculty Research Assistant Will Kennerley holds an adult Rhinoceros Auklet as part of a study examining seabird overlap with offshore wind energy areas Kennerley, William
Faculty Research Assistant
Contact person by email

I am generally interested in where and how seabirds find food, as well as what seabird diets can tell us about ecosystem dynamics.

As an FRA in the Seabird Oceanography Lab, I work on a diverse set of projects...

Kent, Haley Contact person by email

Investigating the ecological role of salmon sharks on the Oregon coast.

M.S., Fisheries Science

King, Chloe Contact person by email

Urban ecology, habitat connectivity (especially in urban environments), outreach to involve those within the community.

PSM in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Kiriakopolos, Stephanie Contact person by email

I study community ecology and life history patterns in seagrass and reef systems.

PhD, Fisheries Science
Kohlberg, Anna Contact person by email

My research focuses on bioacoustics as a non-invasive tool for modeling ecosystem dynamics and putting forth best practices for biodiversity conservation. I have worked on various bioacoustics projects with different taxa, from analyzing African forest elephant communication to building...

Kosma, Madison
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Kratofil, Michaela
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

I’m broadly interested in applied ecological research and conservation, but have a particular interest in the population and movement ecology of marine mammals. Through my current and future research, I aim to use quantitative techniques to better understand the processes that drive animal...

Wildlife Sciences

Kristof, Andrea Contact person by email

Migratory waterfowl usage of semi-permanently flooded wetlands in the Intermountain West and western Prairie Pothole regions

Master of Science, Wildlife Science
Kroening, Casey Contact person by email

Kusaka, Carina Contact person by email

Latorre Beltran, Ivonne Tatiana
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Layton, Janelle Contact person by email

I am focusing on the early life history of tropical marine fishes and their responses to environmental changes. My research aims to uncover how these early stages influence marine tropical ecology over time, providing insights into ecosystem resilience and sustainability.

Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Lehmkuhl, Shannon Contact person by email

Lewis, Scott Contact person by email

I am conducting research on coastal steelhead and rainbow trout in the Ventura River of Southern California. The focus of my research is genetic population structure, landscape genetics, smoltification patterns, and migration of juvenile O. mykiss.

PhD, Fisheries Science
Livingstone, Alton Contact person by email

Lizewski, Kelly Contact person by email

Loonam, Kenneth Contact person by email

Lopez, Alyssa
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Lunda, Erin Contact person by email

Structured decision making models for anadromous sturgeon in the Central Valley

Ph.D. Fisheries Science

Luoma, Bailey Contact person by email

Lyssenko, John Contact person by email

Mackenzie, Cailin Contact person by email

My research focus is the environmental impact of anthropogenic contaminants using the measuring stick that matters most: the wildlife. My current research measures how mercury pollution affects dragonfly and amphibian behaviors and bioaccumulates through the food web. 

Master of Science, Wildlife Science

Mccarthy, Aliya Contact person by email

McDonald, LeeAnn Contact person by email

Evaluating bat species richness and occupancy in south-central Oregon

Professional Science Master's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

McLeod, Montana Contact person by email

For my Masters thesis I am building a computer model that parameterizes groundfish detectability in fishery surveys during coastal hypoxia events. Findings from my thesis can be adapted to reduce uncertainty in stock assessments as it incorporates changing oxygen conditions in the Eastern...

Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Mengak, Lara Contact person by email

Social-ecological systems approach to understanding how wolves, wild and domestic ungulates, and drought affect the relationships between people, specifically ranchers, and wildlife on Western rangelands.

PhD, Wildlife Sciences

Mikkelsen, Ashlee Contact person by email I am investigating physiological links to an on-going Spotted owl demography study. Specifically looking at corticosterone deposits in feathers.
Master of Science, Wildlife Science
Millward, Lindsay Contact person by email

animal behavior, nutritional ecology, trade-offs, population dynamics, community ecology, food web dynamics > generally with focus on mammals large and small

PhD Wildlife Science, Graduate Certificate in College Education and University Teaching

Mitchell, Scott
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

My work involves field-based studies in invertebrate ecology in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. I am interested in studying the ecosystem effects of cattle, elk and deer grazing in rangelands riparian areas. I am particularly interested in the effects on native bee species and on...

PhD, Wildlife Science, MSc, Wildlife Science, 2020, Graduate Certificate in College and University Teaching, 2020, BS, Biology (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology), 2015
Monneedy, Mee-ya Contact person by email

The goal of Mee-ya’s master’s project is to perform a feasibility analysis for an alternative form of electronic monitoring in Oregon’s recreational charter fleet. Mee-ya’s research will utilize stereo-video photogrammetry (calculating measurements and/or the creation of models of objects...

M.S. Fisheries Science

Moretto, Wave Contact person by email

Wave is a current PhD student in Fisheries Science, studying the spatial and temporal dynamics of Oregon’s kelp forests with an emphasis on rockfishes.  

PhD, Fisheries Science

Mueller Brennan, Liam
Master's Student
Contact person by email

Liam is currently working on his master's thesis, using stable isotope and satellite tagging data to study the movement and feeding ecology of humpback whales in the North Pacific. To aid in this, Liam recently graduated from IsoCamp (class of 2022), a world-renowned short course on stable...

Master of Science, Wildlife Science

Muniz, Zach
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Murray, Sara Contact person by email

Newton, Katherine Contact person by email

PSM Capstone: A SWOT Analysis of Invasive Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Management in Alberta, Canada to Guide Broader Directions

Other academic interests: Wildlife conservation, species management and recovery, urban-wildlife issues, avian migration, human impacts on wildlife, and...

Professional Science Master's, Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

O'Rourke-Liggett, Morgan Contact person by email
  • Marine mammal species recovery and conservation
  • Data Analytics and Data Management
  • R and RStudio
  • Geospatial analysis through R, Python, and ArcGIS Pro

Professional Science Masters in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Olivos, Andres Contact person by email Landscape ecology of freshwater fishes


PhD, Fisheries Science
Ortega, Jordan
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Oskowski, Jamie Contact person by email

Pearson, Emma
Graduate Fellow/Unpaid
Contact person by email

Pearson, Sabrina Contact person by email

Perez Santos, Charlene
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Pinos, Andres Contact person by email

Pletcher, Jessica Contact person by email

Principe, Nicole Contact person by email

Pumputis, Amy Contact person by email Professional Science Master's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Quennessen, Victoria
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Using quantitative models to assess marine protected areas off the Oregon coast and inform conservation management and policy for black rockfish.

PhD, Fisheries Science

Rightnar, Heather Contact person by email

Rockweit, Jeremy Contact person by email

I am interested in examining the linkages between northern spotted owl demography, fire refugia, and forest resilience with respect to climate change

PhD, Wildlife Science

Rosemond, Claire
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email
Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Sankey, Austin Contact person by email

Sawyer, Hannah Contact person by email

I am studying the biological and physical factors that are driving bowhead whales in the western Beaufort Sea.

Wildlife Science, MSc

Schempf, Jessica Contact person by email

Scheu, Michael Contact person by email

I am investigating an alternative early life history pathway in Chinook salmon in the upper John Day basin. I am estimating abundance, mapping distribution, and determining the physiological status of these downstream rearing juveniles.

Master of Science, Fisheries Science
Scheuering, Miles Contact person by email

PhD student Jess Schulte handling a broadnose sevengill shark Schulte, Jessica Contact person by email

As part of Dr. Taylor Chapple's Big Fish Lab, I am researching the movement and foraging ecology of a top coastal predator - the Broadnose Sevengill Shark - within the Northern California Coastal Current to eventually incorporate shark predators into fisheries...

PhD, Fisheries Science

Despite their often significant roles in local ecosystems though, large sharks have been conspicuously absent from management efforts in the Northern California Current System. Using techniques such as bio-logging, stable isotopes, and stomach content analysis, Jess’s research will provide...

Shamsunnahar, . Contact person by email

I'm broadly interested in transdisciplinary approaches to address marine conservation challenges in a changing world. Through my current and future research, I aim to use quantitative techniques to better understand the cetacean bycatch in small-scale fisheries and develop bycatch mitigation...

Wildlife Science

Shen, Fang-Yu
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

 I'm interested in using birds as an environmental indicator to see how the economic value of birds reacts to the change of landscape composition across time. In particular, I'm using citizen science projects in my research (e.g., eBird, Breeding Bird Survey).

Ornithology, Bioinformatics, Ecology

Sink, Chelsea Contact person by email

Somers, Lindsay Contact person by email

My research is focused on ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) vital rates, movements, and habitat use in southern Oregon. 


M.S. Wildlife Science

Somogyi, Nicholas Contact person by email

Stephens, Paige Contact person by email

Stevenson, John Contact person by email PhD

Stoner, Katelyn Contact person by email Wildlife Science

Stuntz, Luke
Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate Students
Contact person by email

I study the foraging ecology of river otters along the coast of southern Oregon, with a focus on the predation of seabirds at near-shore nesting islands.

MSc, Wildlife Science

Sutherland, Remy Contact person by email

Potential impacts of red imported fire ants and other factors on monarch butterfly reproductive success in the Texas coastal prairie.

MS, Wildlife Science

Swanson, Nadia Contact person by email

Thalmann, Hillary Contact person by email

Effects of thermal variability on Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) foraging, growth, and metabolism in the Gulf of Alaska.

PhD, Fisheries Science

Tinoco Pickens, Francisco Contact person by email Currently interested in climate changes in the PNW and how aquatic species and ecosystems will change accordingly
Master of Science, Fisheries Science
Tosa, Marie
Postdoctoral Scholar
Contact person by email Terrestrial food webs of the Pacific Northwest forests, focusing particularly on small carnivores and their prey
PhD, Wildlife Science

PI: Jared LeBoldus

Treadway, Emily Contact person by email

Trunk, Laura Contact person by email Professional Science Master's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Turner, Sydney Contact person by email

Upraity, Aakash Contact person by email

Van Brocklin, Jennifer Contact person by email M.S.

Vanwyck, Tiffany Contact person by email PSM Fisheries and Wildlife Administration

Waldo, Jennifer Contact person by email

I am a marine conservation social scientist and ecologist interested in using interdisciplinary strategies to approach human-related problems within the marine and coastal realm. I’m currently a Fisheries Science Master’s student in the ...

Fisheries Science

Walker, Geoffrey Contact person by email

I will be using next generation sequencing to analyze the genetic structure of albacore along the Pacific coast and using that data to delineate stock boundaries and help manage sustainable albacore fisheries.

Master of Science, Fisheries Science

Wessels, Kevin Contact person by email

Williams, Claire Contact person by email

Williamson, Jasmine
Graduate Fellow
Contact person by email

Impacts of habitat disturbance (i.e. timber management, wildfire) on terrestrial salamanders in the Western Oregon Cascades.  

Environmental art as a tool for conservation communication.

PhD, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Science

Winquist, Suzanne Contact person by email

Woodside, Gail
Contact person by email

1. Vulnerability of traditional women's foods, medicinals, and product plants to climate change on the Olympic Peninsula, WA: Management projections and implications for tribal perspectives on Usual and Accustomed gathering areas
2. Changes in Non-Migratory Roosevelt Elk (Cervus elaphus...

PhD, Wildlife Science

Research Interest: Subsistence landscape restoration, Elk behavior and movement, and Creating partnerships between Western and Traditional Science.