photo by Jonny Armstrong
Faculty in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences are currently conducting research on a diverse array of topics in North America, as well as internationally. For more information about faculty who can lead an MS or PhD program, visit our graduate faculty list.
OSU Extension Programs deliver research-based, objective information to help people solve problems, develop leadership, and manage resources wisely.
Faculty in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences are currently conducting research on a diverse array of topics in North America, as well as internationally. Want to see where? Explore our interactive map that showcases the amazing research and biological conservation activities in action.
Ongoing specific wildlife research includes studies on the interaction between wildlife and land uses, migratory bird ecology, forestry-wildlife relationships, endangered species management, the ecology of waterfowl, community ecology, wetland management, reproductive ecology, nutrition and foraging ecology, predator-prey interactions, and population dynamics.
Fisheries and marine ecology researchers are focusing on quantitative analysis of marine and freshwater fish populations, water quality, fish and invertebrate physiology, stream ecology, modeling of aquatic ecosystems, land use interactions, ecology of marine and freshwater fishes, endangered species, aquaculture, fish genetics, limnology, parasites and diseases, toxicology, and population dynamics.
Our research can be divided broadly into six areas:
Avian Conservation and Management
Education and Human Dimensions
Fish Conservation and Management
Habitat Restoration and Conservation Ecology
Marine Ecology
Wildlife Conservation and Management
For more information about faculty who can lead an MS or PhD program, visit our graduate faculty list.
OSU Extension Programs deliver research-based, objective information to help people solve problems, develop leadership, and manage resources wisely.
OSU Fisheries Extension provides the public with information on fish, fisheries, aquatic habitat and watershed related issues in the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Fisheries Extension provides information through multiple workshops and events to inform and educate the public.
OSU Wildlife Extension provides education programs, products, and knowledge related to conservation and management of Oregon’s wildlife species and their habitats. Wildlife Extension provides information via presentations within programs such as Master Gardener training, via published products, and other programming. Oregonians also can ask their own wildlife-related questions through the convenient Ask an Expert portal.