Make a Gift to the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Supporting Departmental Programs

The following departmental Foundation programs provide alumni an avenue to contribute support funds. The funds are accepted through the Oregon State University Foundation, a private, non-profit corporation which administers all types of gifts on behalf of Oregon State University. As a public charitable organization, the OSU Foundation is able to provide tax incentives to donors and friends of Oregon State University. All gifts make a tremendous difference in the Department's ability to support students and faculty in our teaching and learning community.

To provide support via credit card to any of the following programs, please select the "Make a Gift" button below. The Foundation website will open, type in the specific name of the award (e.g., The Robert Anthony Graduate Scholarship in Population Ecology), and enter the remaining required information. 

We thank you for your generous support!

Make a Gift

General Fund for Fisheries and Wildlife 

The General Fund for Fisheries and Wildlife donations are used for a variety of departmental activities, including support of student clubs, field trip supplies for courses, departmental community events, student and staff travel to professional meetings, FW seminars and alumni events, networking activities for students and faculty with our agency partners, and emergency funds for students in need.


Lindsey Ball Scholarship Endowment - used to support fisheries and wildlife undergraduate or graduate students in good academic standing with financial need. Preference to Oregon residence. 

Carl & Lenora Bond Scholarship - awarded to a Junior or senior with leadership abilities. Carl Bond (B.S. '47, M.S. '48) spent his entire career in the Department. Lenora Bond was the fist student advisor or as often referred to "the mother hen for all students". Both Carl and Lenora had a significant impact on the Department.

Mike & Kay Brown Scholarship - preference is given to children or grandchildren of professional employees of the ODFW, ODF, or OSP; Oregon Residents; Veterans. Juniors or seniors in the College of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, or Natural Resources with FW emphasis.

Roland E. Dimick Memorial Scholarship - a sophomore who has been in the Department for at least 3 terms, the award is based on freshman year performance. Prof. Dimick established the Department of Fish, Game and Fur Animal Management in 1936 and served as Department Head from 1936 until 1963.

Eric Fritzell Award - awarded to students in Fisheries and Wildlife. Erik Fritzell is an Emeritus Associate Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences, OSU. He served as a wildlife biologist and university educator for 40 years, including time as Department Head of Fisheries and Wildlife from 1994 to 2001.

The Stan Gregory Stream Team Scholarship - prior to his retirement, Stan Gregory was internationally known for his work on stream and riparian ecology, riverine systems, and fish ecology. He is also known for his work on floodplain ecology, thermal refugia, and environmental futures scenarios. This scholarship will be awarded annually to an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate student with interests in stream or riparian ecology. 

Jim & Bonnie Hall Fisheries and Wildlife Scholarship Fund - sophomore level and above.

Howard Horton Fisheries Management Scholarship - awarded to a full-time sophomore or junior with a career interest in fisheries management. Evidence of leadership, volunteer activities, and the potential for a successful career also considered.

Lee Wallace Kuhn Memorial Scholarship - awarded to a junior or senior in the department with a specialty option emphasizing wildlife based on demonstrated leadership skills and a strong potential for a successful career in wildlife. Prof. Kuhn was one of the early graduates of the Department of Fish, Game and Fur Animal Management (MS ’42) and was the second person hired as a permanent faculty member. He retired in 1981 after a 35-year career but continued to be active in the Department until his death.

Bob & Phyllis Mace Watchable Wildlife Scholarship - full-time student in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, demonstrated financial need, GPA range of 2.5 and 3.3, preference given to Oregon high school graduates, available to Post Bacc students.

Henry Mastin Memorial Scholarship - given to freshmen based on high school academic performance, financial need, and SAT scores. These are our only freshmen scholarship and were established to recognize the "Hank" Mastin's (‘42) strong convictions about using the best scientific knowledge available to manage our natural resources.

Mentors Scholarship - full-time sophomore, junior, or senior with leadership skills, must have at least two terms left including fall next year, demonstrated financial need, working toward a degree that blends their Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences training with other disciplines, minimum GPA of 2.8, U.S. Citizen.

William B. & Jean Morse Scholarship - undergraduates in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences program, career interest in law enforcement; diversity; and need for financial aid.

Multnomah Anglers & Hunters Club Milt Guymon Scholarship Fund -full-time (12 or more registered credits) student, junior, senior or post baccalaureate class standing while receiving the award. Recipient displays evidence of leadership, volunteer activities, and the potential for a successful career. Evidence for financial need.

Oregon Coalition for Educating Anglers (OCEAN) Scholarship supports students with a strong interest in marine sport and/or commercial fishing.  Recipients are full-time juniors or seniors in the program with a GPA GPA greater than or equal to 2.78. Preference given to Oregon or Washington residents.

Dr. Erin Peterson Internship Award in Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences supports students majoring in Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences and their associated experiential learning opportunities, including but not limited to stipend, housing, research.

Tamal Reece Scholarship - non-resident Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences undergraduate students in good academic standing, any level.

Rogue Flyfishers Scholarship - full-time junior or senior with an emphasis in Fisheries Minimum GPA of 3.0 Demonstrated financial need.

Santiam Fish & Game Association Endowed Scholarship Fund - (2 awards)one award to an undergraduate in his/her third or fourth year of study, and one to an undergraduate student participating in an internship in the area of Fisheries and Wildlife public education in Linn or Benton counties. All recipients must have completed one year of the Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Major Grade point average of at least 3.0 First preference will be given to Linn or Benton County residents, second preference to students who are residents of any county in Oregon.

Phillip W. Schneider Scholarship - Phil Schneider made life-long contributions to natural resources management in Oregon and this scholarship was established under the philosophy that the natural resources of Oregon require a stewardship mission under a doctrine of public trust that is driven by environmental truths. Full-time student (12 credit hours a term) with good standing in the program. Demonstrate leadership abilities through their student and community activities. Students must be of sophomore (45 credits) or junior (90 credits) class standing while receiving the scholarship. Preference will be given to applicants with a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average.

Southern Oregon Flyfishers Association Scholarships (2 awards) - full-time juniors or seniors with an emphasis in Fisheries. Minimum GPA of 3.0. Demonstrated financial need.

Vivian Shriver Thompson Scholarship (2 awards) - juniors or seniors based on academic performance and leadership abilities. Demonstrated financial need. An emphasis in Wildlife Preference is given to Oregon Residents.

William Q. Wick Memorial Scholarship - awarded to a fish and wildlife major with a preference to Oregon High School graduates. Bill Wick (B.S. ‘50, M.S. ‘52) was a national leader in Extension Sea Grant and was the Director of the Oregon Sea Grant program from 1973 to 1990. Bill left us a rich legacy on which each of us can build a better future for people as well as the natural resources of our planet. 

Internship Scholarships

Brooks Arthur Pangburn Internship Fund - used to provide support for undergraduate fisheries and wildlife students participating in internships.

Gerald L. Fisher Internship in Aquaculture & Hatchery Management - applied to FW or is a current full-time undergraduate student in FW. Participating in volunteer or low-paying, off-campus internship or one with unusual expenses. The internship is related to expressed educational goal in aquaculture or hatchery management. Quality and content of student’s essay.

Kenneth & Lois Klarquist - full-time undergraduate sophomore or junior in FW. Participating in volunteer or low-paying, off-campus internship or one with unusual expenses. Evidence of leadership, volunteer activities, the potential for a successful career.

Kristle Volin Internship Support - applied to FW or is a degree-seeking student in FW. The internship is related to student’s expressed educational goals. Quality and content of student’s essay.



Neil Armantrout Graduate Fellowship - awarded to a full-time graduate student conducting research on wild salmon or fisheries habitat improvement, excluding aquaculture.

David J. Ashkenas Memorial Fellowship - awarded to graduate students who wish to study abroad, or a student from abroad who wishes to come to OSU. Preference is given to students working in freshwater riparian ecosystems, followed by marine ecosystems and then by terrestrial ecosystems. 

H. Richard Carlson Memorial Scholarship - awarded to a graduate student with research emphasis in marine fisheries biology. Two letters of reference needed.

James Sedell Graduate Award in Fisheries & Wildlife - awarded to graduate students working on native fish conservation, aquatic habitat restoration, and landscape conservation planning. Full-time graduate students based on merit, research potential, leadership and financial need. 


The Robert Anthony Graduate Scholarship in Population Ecology - for decades Bob Anthony conducted extensive work on wildlife ecology, population ecology, and environmental contaminants. He touched the lives of many graduate students as a caring, rigorous, and thoughtful mentor. He was especially known for his work on spotted owls and bald eagles and for his graduate class, Wildlife Population Analysis. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduate student conducting research on some aspect of population ecology.

David B. & Georgia Leupold Marshall Wildlife Graduate Scholarship - full-time graduate student conducting research with strong management implications for wildlife or wildlife issues of special interest. Preference is given to members of OR-TWS.

Munson Wildlife Graduate Scholarship - awarded to a full-time wildlife graduate student with an interest in interdisciplinary natural resources management and research. Oregon resident preferred. May be used for travel, supplies, etc.


Briggs Scholarship in Biogeography - recipients should have completed their undergraduate degree at another institution in the US or abroad. Preference to students with a strong interest in the distribution and evolution of terrestrial, freshwater, or marine organisms.

Coombs-Simpson Memorial Fellowship - awarded to a graduate student in memory of Candia Coombs (‘79) and Gay Simpson (‘79), two outstanding alumnae of the Department whose lives and bright careers were prematurely shortened.

Santiam Fish & Game Association Endowed Scholarship Fund - first preference will be given to Linn or Benton County residents, second preference to students who are residents of any county in Oregon.

Thomas G. Scott Achievement Award - multiple awards to outstanding M.S.students; and outstanding Ph.D.students; to recognize research potential in graduate students majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife.Two letters of reference needed.

Charles E. Warren Award for Ecology & Sustainable Societies - preference is given to students whose research integrates ecology, political economy, and environmental justice in the quest for sustainable relationships between communities and their natural resources.

Ted Thorgaard Student Research Fund - awarded to a full-time graduate student conducting research in conservation biology. May be used for travel, supplies, or other expenses.