What F&W Faculty Do - A a reference guide to what our faculty members do, helpful for students trying to select their committees.
Faculty Directory
^ indicates faculty that can advise our nonthesis (PSM) students
Photo | Person | Contact Information | Specialty Area |
Renee Albertson *^
Senior Instructor I |
541-867-0430 Contact person by email |
Scarlett Arbuckle^
Graduate Program Coordinator, Senior Instructor I |
Contact person by email |
I support research endeavors through the OSU Marine Team, instruct several courses and assist in departmental operations. My past research has included work on cephalopod population dynamics, behavior and neurobiology. |
Ivan Arismendi *^
Associate Professor |
541-737-2639 Contact person by email |
stream ecology, limnology, hydrology, forestry, and watershed-level processes | |
Jonathan Armstrong *
Associate Professor |
541-737-1080 Contact person by email |
I integrate animal behavior, physiology, and landscape ecology to better understand how fish and wildlife interact with their environment. My research employs observational study, field experiments, and simulation modeling. |
C Scott Baker *
Professor |
541-867-0255 Contact person by email |
Population structure and genetic diversity of whales, dolphins, sea lions and fur seals. Demographic and genetic impacts of whaling. Molecular taxonomy and applied bioinformatics for species identification. Molecular monitoring of ‘whalemeat’ markets... | |
Lisa Ballance
Director |
541-867-0445 Contact person by email |
Cheryl Barnes *
Assistant Professor |
(541) 867-0116 Contact person by email |
marine fisheries, applied spatial ecology, food web dynamics, fish life history, climate change impacts on marine systems, transdisciplinary research. | |
Kelly Biedenweg *^
Associate Professor |
541-737-2207 Contact person by email |
Conservation Psychology and Human Wellbeing, Applied research on human dimensions of natural resource management, Program Evaluation and Facilitation, Environmental Education and Social Learning | |
Susanne Brander *
Associate Professor |
541-737-5413 Contact person by email |
my research integrates the responses of aquatic organisms to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and other environmental stressors, such as microplastics, across the biological hierarchy | |
Stephen Brandt *
Professor |
541-737-3396 Contact person by email |
Fish ecology and management of marine and freshwater ecosystems; Specifically: 1) Bioenergetics, food webs, physical-biological interactions, and predator-prey interactions among fishes; 2) The ecology of thermal fronts; 3) Ecosystem forecasting; 4) Spatial modeling of fish growth and production; |
Mike Burns * *
Assistant Professor |
541-737-2954 Contact person by email |
My lab uses museum resources to study the ecological and evolutionary processes that govern the global biodiversity of fishes. | |
Holly Campbell^
Instructor |
Current research interests include ecosystem-based management in freshwater and marine settings, land-ocean interactions and human influences on coastal water quality and biodiversity (including climate impacts, and land-based pollution), and nutrient management options. |
Mauricio Cantor
Assistant Professor |
541-737-0357 Contact person by email |
I am a biologist by training and a behavioral ecologist by passion. I am primarily interested in understanding the dynamics of social, cultural and ecological systems. |
Taylor Chapple *
Assistant Professor |
541-867-0254 Contact person by email |
Biologging and Movement Dynamics of Marine Predators | |
Samantha Chisho... *^
Assistant Professor (Sr Res) |
Contact person by email | My specialization area is Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and conducting research with Indigenous Tribes and communities, dovetailing western science and Indigenous Sciences together | |
Melanie Davis *
Assistant Unit Leader and Assistant Professor, U.S. Geological Survey, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit |
541-737-1961 Contact person by email |
My work is focused on ecosystem and community level responses to disturbance events, landscape scale processes and their effects on target species, and the development of monitoring tools, programs, and strategies to inform management actions. | |
Sandra DeBano *^
Associate Professor |
541-567-6337 Contact person by email |
Native Pollinators, Riparian Ecology, Ecosystem Services, Terrestrial Invertebrate Community Ecology | |
Ken Diebel^
Senior Instructor I |
541-910-4034 Contact person by email |
Angee Doerr^
Assistant Professor (Practice) |
Contact person by email | I study marine social-ecological systems, largely focusing on commercial fisheries and marine resource management. | |
Ethan Doney * *
Assistant Professor |
541-737-6255 Contact person by email |
My work focuses on understanding the social, cultural, economic, and political dimensions of human-wildlife interactions. | |
Katie Dugger *^
Professor and Assistant Unit Leader, USGS |
541-737-2473 Contact person by email |
I am a population ecologist whose research is focused on the estimation of wildlife vital rates (e.g., survival, reproduction, population rates of change, movements rates) and the factors that influence them. |
Bruce Dugger *^
Professor |
541-737-2465 Contact person by email |
Understanding factors that limit populations of wintering waterfowl; biological theory behind the development of conservation plans; avian behavioral ecology and evolution of life history parameters; ecology and conservation of rare waterbirds | |
Susie Dunham
Instructor |
541-737-2642 | Graduate Program Coordinator for PSM in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration. Instructor for FW 506: Projects, FW 523: Wildlife Monitoring, and FW 552: Wildlife Habitat in Managed Forests. | |
Lisa Ellsworth *^
Associate Professor (Sr Res) |
541-737-0008 |
Fire Behavior and Modeling, Habitat Ecology, Rangeland Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Representation in STEM |
Clinton Epps *
Professor |
541-737-2478 Contact person by email |
Connectivity and dispersal in fragmented landscapes, Effects of climate and climate change on distribution and demography, Conservation genetics Wildlife ecology and conservation, Wildlife disease | |
Mary Finley * | fisheries and fisheries science in the Pacific | ||
Tiffany Garcia *
Professor |
541-737-2164 Contact person by email |
direct and indirect effects of environmental stress on aquatic communities | |
Guillermo Giannico *^
Professor |
541-737-2479 Contact person by email |
Freshwater Fish Ecology. Salmonid behavior and habitat selection in freshwater and estuarine systems. Aquatic habitat restoration. Land use impacts on fish habitat. Integrated watershed management. Fish passage. |
Christian Hagen *^
Associate Professor (Sr Res) |
Contact person by email |
Evaluating population level responses of gallinaceous birds to large scale conservation effort and/or habitat perturbations, whether they be natural (e.g., wildfire) or anthropogenic. |
Scott Heppell *^
Professor |
541-737-1086 Contact person by email |
Marine and Freshwater Fisheries Ecology | |
Selina Heppell
Department Head, Professor |
541-737-9039 Contact person by email |
I am Department Head and Professor of marine fisheries ecology. In addition to administration, I work with biologists and management agencies in the PNW and around the world to develop strategies for endangered species conservation and sustainable fisheri | |
Christopher Janousek *
Assistant Professor (Sr Res) |
Contact person by email | My research focuses on estuarine ecology including blue carbon, sea-level rise, plant ecology, and estuarine hydrology. | |
Megan Jones *^
Assistant Professor and Assistant Unit Leader, USGS |
541-737-6691 Contact person by email |
I am a conservation social scientist focused on natural resource communication science. I study how outreach interventions and engagement efforts can affect people’s behavior and beliefs related to conservation topics. | |
Robert Lackey *^
Professor |
541-602-5904 Contact person by email |
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation: the Science-Policy Interface | |
Christopher Langdon *^
Professor |
541-867-0231 Contact person by email |
Research Areas: Aquaculture; nutrition of oysters and other bivalves; microencapsulation; polyculture of abalone; genetic selection of oysters. |
Taal Levi *^
Associate Professor |
541-737-4067 Contact person by email |
assess the spatial extent and ecological consequences of wildlife overexploitation, to fisheries management, the ecology and conservation of predators, disease ecology and population dynamics in a changing climate | |
Donald Lyons *^
Assistant Professor (Sr Res) |
541-737-1957 Contact person by email |
Avian Ecology, Conservation Biology, Animal Telemetry, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Ecological Energetics, Natural Resource Decision Making Processes, and Communicating Science to Diverse Audiences |
Jessica Miller *^
Professor |
541-867-0381 Contact person by email |
Research Areas: Marine ecology, fisheries science, otolith chemistry, mixing and migration, early life history |
Randall Moore^
Senior Instructor I |
541-737-2898 Contact person by email |
Bird Conservation, Biogeography |
Kathleen O Malley *^
Associate Professor |
541-961-3311 Contact person by email |
Research Areas: Fisheries genetics and genomics, fisheries conservation and management. |
Rachael Orben *^
Assistant Professor (Sr Res) |
Contact person by email |
Shalynn Pack
Senior Instructor & Internship Coordinator |
541-737-1091 Contact person by email |
Internship Coordinator for FWCS undergraduates, VIEW Fellowship Coordinator, FW Club Faculty Advisor, and Instructor for FW 209 Career Skills in Fisheries and Wildlife. |
Luke Painter^
Senior Instructor I |
541-737-4531 Contact person by email |
My research has focused primarily on the ecology of animal and plant interactions, particularly trophic cascade effects involving large herbivores and top predators |
David Paoletti
Senior Instructor I |
541-737-1083 Contact person by email |
Behavioral Ecology, Herpetology, Introduced Species |
James Peterson *^
Assistant Professor and Unit Leader, USGS |
541-737-1963 Contact person by email |
multiple aspects of aquatic ecology- with an emphasis on lotic communities | |
Susie Piacenza *^
Senior Instructor I |
Contact person by email | Population dynamics and modelling of marine species, population assessments, conservation management | |
Douglas Reese^
Senior Instructor II |
541-737-1959 Contact person by email |
distribution, structure, and function of ecological communities and particularly how these relate to a changing environment | |
Douglas Robinson *^
Professor |
541-737-9501 Contact person by email |
I study birds and people and how they respond to change. | |
Vaughn Robison
Instructor |
Contact person by email |
I teach the Ecampus sections of the FWCS Human Dimensions courses. I also practice and research fisheries communication and social science. I use both to understand the social impacts of fisheries management and engage in the challenging conversations they can create. |
Dana Sanchez *^
Associate Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist |
541-737-6003 Contact person by email |
I'm a mammalian ecologist who conducts basic and applied research, especially when integrated with my public education and outreach duties as the Extension wildlife specialist. |
Andres Schmidt
Assistant Research Professor |
541-737-9318 Contact person by email |
Kate Stafford
Associate Professor |
541-867-0183 Contact person by email |
My research, which focuses on the use of passive acoustic monitoring in the ocean to study marine mammals, is at the intersection of animal behavior, and biological and physical oceanography. | |
Joshua Stewart
Assistant Professor |
541-867-0315 Contact person by email |
Josh is a quantitative ecologist whose interests span animal movement, trophic ecology, and population dynamics with an emphasis on threatened species and ecosystems. |
James Sulikowski *
Director |
Contact person by email | In addition to being the Director of the Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Sulikowski's Shark and Fish Ecophysiology Lab is a part of the Big Fish Lab in COMES. | |
Leigh Torres
Associate Professor |
541-867-0895 Contact person by email |
I specialize in the health and spatial and behavioral ecology of marine mammals to better understand their response to anthropogenic stressors including ocean noise, vessel traffic, fishing effort, and climate change. | |
Joshua Twining * *
Assistant Professor |
541-737-4602 Contact person by email |
My research interests are in developing theoretical and empirical methodologies to advance our capacity to monitor animal populations and extend our understanding of interspecific interactions to inform the applied management of wildlife in a rapidly changing world. |
Seth White *^
OHRC Director and Associate Professor |
Contact person by email |
Modeling of fish distributions and population dynamics, juvenile salmonid ecology, climate impacts to freshwater biodiversity, and fisheries as a social ecological system. |
Will White *
Associate Professor |
541-867-0385 Contact person by email |
Fishery oceanography and population dynamics, spatial fisheries management, and climate change effects on fisheries. Most of our work uses statistical or dynamic models. | |
David Wooster *^
Associate Professor |
541-567-6337 Contact person by email |
stream ecology, aquatic invertebrate biology, restoration effectiveness monitoring, stream food webs, stream and riparian linkages |
Photo | Person | Contact Information | Specialty Area |
Jerri Bartholomew
Professor |
541-737-1856 Contact person by email |
Our research focuses on the pathogens that affect the health of wild Pacific salmon populations, particularly myxozoan parasites, which have a complex life cycle, requiring both a fish and annelid host. Salmon diseases, host resistance mechanisms, parasite evolution. |
Bruce Coblentz
Emeritus Appointment |
541-737-1959 Contact person by email |
Exotic Species, North American Ungulates. Biology of Introduced Mammals on Islands, Ruminant behavioral ecology |
Dan Edge
Emeritus Appointment |
Contact person by email | Population and habitat ecology of wildlife in forest and agricultural ecosystems; mammal conservation and management; administration and policy; university education pedegogies, especially distance education. | |
Stanley Gregory
Emeritus Appointment |
541-737-1950 Contact person by email |
Stream ecosystems: channel dynamics, woody debris, water chemistry, benthic algae, invertebrates, fish, salamanders, and riparian vegetation. Landscape perspectives for stream ecosystems. Influence of human activities on ecosystem structure and function. |
Patricia Kennedy
Emeritus Appointment |
541-562-5129 Contact person by email |
Hiram Li
Professor and Assistant Leader Oregon Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, National Biological Service (retired) |
Contact person by email |
Hierarchical organization of land and riverscapes ("From the macroscope to microscope"). The role of stream temperature on aquatic communities of high desert streams. Factors affecting restoration of fish habitats. |
Douglas Markle
Emeritus Appointment |
541-737-1970 Contact person by email |
Systematics of fishes, zoogeography of northwest fishes, endangered species recovery, early life history ecology of fishes, and ichthyology. |
Brenda Mc Comb
Emeritus Appointment |
541-737-1457 Contact person by email |
I study the effects of land management practices on animals and habitats to guide development of sustainable forest management practices and advance our ability to conserve biodiversity over large and complex landscapes. |
David Sampson
Emeritus Appointment |
541-867-4149 Contact person by email |
Research Areas: Fishery stock assessment and management; development and testing of stock assessment methods; models of fishermen's behavior (e.g., fishing operations such as gear and fishing location choice). |
Academic Advisors Directory
Photo | Person | Contact Information | Specialty Area |
Yuana Ates Academic Advisor |
541-737-1953 Contact person by email |
Academic Advisor for Ecampus. |
Whitney Creason Academic Advisor |
541-737-2313 Contact person by email |
Academic Advisor for Ecampus and First Year Corvallis campus students |
Michelle Donaghy Cannon Academic Advisor |
541-737-2646 Contact person by email |
Head Academic Advisor for the Fisheries and Wildlife Department and instructor for FW 107 Orientation to Fisheries and Wildlife - Corvallis Campus. |
Erica Johnson Academic Advisor |
541-737-7424 Contact person by email |
Academic Advisor for Ecampus and First Year Corvallis campus students. Please email for fastest response. |
Elizabeth Kelly Academic Advisor |
541-737-5635 Contact person by email |
Academic Advisor for Ecampus students. Instructor for FW 107 Orientation to Fisheries and Wildlife - Ecampus. |