Professional Science Master's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration (PSMFWA)

This degree provides advanced training for recent graduates of undergraduate programs looking to enter the workforce and early-career professionals employed by natural resources agencies, non-government organizations, and other entities with a need for expertise in fisheries and wildlife science. The PSMFWA also provides an opportunity for employers to meet their workforce planning goals and contribute to the self-improvement of current employees.

Future Students

Fisheries and wildlife resource conservation is a challenging profession involving biological, ecological, management, policy, and social systems. Although many professionals obtain entry-level positions with B.S. degrees, mid- and upper-level positions typically require additional training in biology, quantitative methods, and business and communication skills. The PSM in Fisheries & Wildlife Administration prepares you to become a thoughtful, innovative leader in the science and management of fisheries and wildlife.

Courses can be completed online through Ecampus, on the Corvallis campus, or both. Read more about the specific learner outcomes of the Professional Science Masters in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration.

For information on how to apply email our graduate program coordinator

Current Students

The information below provides students currently enrolled in the Professional Science Masters in Fisheries or Wildlife Management Administration (PSMFWA) with the information needed to managed their academic studies. Students should also work closely with their major professor during the program, and general questions can be sent to the graduate program coordinator


PSMFWA Curriculum

The 45-credit PSMFWA curriculum is organized into five main sections:

  • Biology, Ecology, and Habitat core (15 credits)
  • Technical Skills (2 courses)
  • Social Sciences core (3 courses)
  • Communication and Management core (2 courses)
  • Internship or Capstone (6 credits)

General Rules for Registration

A full-time course load for a graduate student is 9 credits per term. Half-time enrollment for Financial Aid eligibility is 5 credits minimum. A minimum enrollment of 3 graduate credits per term is required under OSU's Continuous Enrollment Policy for the Fall, Winter, and Spring terms; this rule does not apply to Summer term. If you need to take time away from the program in any term other than Summer, you must file a Leave of Absence request no later than two weeks prior to the start of the term.

Please note that you also must to be enrolled in a minimum of 3 graduate credits in your final term when you complete your degree. You will be expected to present the results from your internship or capstone experience as a public seminar (remote connection is fine), which will be followed by an examination with your graduate committee.

Current students should use the year they were admitted to determine their appropriate curriculum (below). Students admitted for the 2024-25 academic year should follow the current 2024-25 curriculum linked below.

2024-25 Curriculum:

Previous Curricula:

Courses offered during OSU's summer Natural Resources Leadership Academy are also accepted toward PSMFWA degree requirements. Other OSU courses related to your program of study may be accepted with approval of the Program Coordinator - please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator to request a course substitution.

Internship or Capstone

Students enrolled in this program can choose between a professional internship or a capstone paper for the project component of their degree (6 credits). A professional internship should engage students in real-world work situations involving technical problems, teamwork, communication skills, and decision making. A capstone paper should involve a detailed primary literature review written at a level that meets the professional standards of the fisheries, wildlife, and conservation science career field. Students should develop the plan for their internship or capstone in collaboration with their major professor and graduate committee. 

Program Support 


Meet Your Program Coordinator

Dr. Susie Dunham provides general advising to all students enrolled in the Professional Science Masters in Fisheries or Wildlife Administration program. She can assist you with questions about registration, course substitutions, continuous enrollment policies, and other Departmental and University policies that apply to all masters students. She can also help you with questions about forming your graduate committee and planning for degree completion. 

Dr. Susie Dunham (she/her) 
View Profile
Book an Appointment with Susie





Meet Your Program Director

Dr. Bruce Dugger (he/him)
View Profile

Graduating and looking for a Job?

Students looking for a job can peruse our Job Board list, check our FW Job Board and sign up for our OSU FW job listserv that is distributed as a weekly digest to subscribers.