Need immediate assistance with a wild animal?
Living in Oregon means sometimes interacting with the state's abundant wildlife. If you see a sick or injured animal, or you need to report wildlife activity on your property, please reach out to one of the following organizations before picking up or moving any wildlife:
- Your local Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office
- Wildlife Health Lab (866) 968-2600
- or a licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Have a specific question about a species or behavior?
Through OSU Extension the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences provides education programs, products, and knowledge related to conservation and management of Oregon’s fisheries and wildlife species and their habitats.
Wildlife Extension provides information via presentations within programs such as Master Gardener training, via published products, and other programming. Fisheries Extension provides the public with information on fish, fisheries, aquatic habitat and watershed related issues in the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.
More information and help can be found through the following resources: