

Graduate students may be admitted to Oregon State University in one of three categories:

  • Regularly Admitted Graduate Students
    • These students have been accepted by the university and by a major department to work toward an advanced degree.
  • Conditionally Admitted Graduate Students
    • These students have not met the formal admission requirements but their accomplishments have convinced the University Graduate Admissions Committee and their major department that they have potential for success as advanced degree candidates .
    • Conditionally admitted students cannot schedule and hold preliminary oral exams or final oral exams for their degree until they have satisfied the requirements of their admission and have been reclassified as regular graduate students. This transition occurs when a student has completed 18 graduate credits with grades of B or better.
  • Provisionally Admitted Graduate Student
    • These students have met all of the University standards for formal admission but their academic program or major department placed restrictions upon their admission. These restrictions may include certain prerequisite courses or trainings that must be completed early in the program.
    • Provisionally admitted students cannot take the final exam for their degree until they have satisfied their provisions and have been reclassified as regular graduate students.
    • If students fail to satisfactorily complete or renegotiate these conditions they will be dismissed by the Department and the Graduate School. 

Graduate courses that students complete while registered as conditional or provisional students may count toward the requirements for advanced degrees.

Graduate Work by OSU Affiliates 

Faculty Members

The Faculty as Student policy specifies that one may not simultaneously be an Oregon State University faculty member and an OSU graduate student. This policy pertains to all OSU faculty members (both ranked and professional), is consistent with practices at most universities, and is in keeping with recognized appropriate graduate education practice.

Although faculty members are eligible to enroll for courses at staff fee rates, such course work may not be applied to a graduate certificate or graduate degree without prior approval from the graduate dean.

Staff Members and Close Relatives

Registration for courses and degrees will conform to the regulations of the Graduate School and the University.