Financial Support

Students are accepted into the Department on behalf of a faculty member and faculty rarely accept students unless financial support is available for a minimum of one year for MS students and two years for doctoral students.  Therefore, it is important that students understand the nature and availability of financial support. Graduate students are supported by assistantships (GRA or GTA), fellowships, or other forms of funding. A brief description of these appointment types are described within this guide, but the written guidelines for these appointments can be found on the Financing your Education web page through the Graduate School and within your appointment contract. Students are responsible for reading and understanding the terms of their appointment contracts which included registration requirements and contract duration. 

Graduate Tuition and Fees

The official Graduate Tuition and Fee Schedule can be found on the OSU Business Affairs website. Tuition and fees for upcoming years are usually finalized during the month of July.

Funding Options

Graduate Assistantships     Fellowships     Scholarships     Publishing Awards     Travel Awards
Other Funding

Employees of an agency are sometimes able to complete their degree while continuing their existing job duties. These students can receive stipend support (tuition and wages) directly from a funding agency, and not be an employee of OSU. Some students are employees of an agency that earn a wage sufficient to cover tuition and have a remaining salary commensurate with their fellow graduate students. For registration purposes, these employer supported students are effectively 'self-funding'.