Departmental Trainings
- FERPA - training is required prior to teaching a course as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. Please complete FERPA training upon being assigned to teach a course.
- Laboratory Safety - Training is required for some employees, including laboratory workers and other staff who handle chemicals or occasionally enter labs.
- Fieldwork Safety - EH&S requires a remote fieldwork safety plan prior to commencement of remote field operations; a Fisheries and Wildlife field safety planning template is available.
- IACUC - Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee: assures the welfare and well-being of all vertebrate animals used for research and educational purposes within the University program.
- IRB - Human Research Protection Program and Institutional Review Board: all research projects involving human subjects must be submitted for IRB review.
- Driver Authorization - Authorization to drive a Motor Pool vehicle is limited to the scope and course of the employment and duties of the driver which are defined by their job or volunteer position.
- Work Schedules, Time-off/leave - contract details, paid sick leave, family and medical leave and health insurance information
- University Closures - Interruptions of University operations related to hazardous conditions, inclement weather or events causing work curtailment
- Van Safety - Drivers reserving 8 or 12 passenger vans or large cargo vans are required to watch the Van Safety video and pass the Van Safety test in addition to being an authorized driver.
University Policies
Student Conduct and Community Standards
Choosing to join the Oregon State University community obligates each member to a code of responsible behavior which is outlined in the Student Conduct Code. The assumption upon which this Code is based is that all persons must treat one another with dignity and respect in order for scholarship to thrive.
Violations of the regulations subject a student to appropriate disciplinary action.
Grievance Procedures
All students desiring to appeal matters relating to their graduate degree should follow the Grievance Procedures for Graduate Students. These procedures are available at Graduate assistants, whose terms and conditions of employment are prescribed by the collective bargaining agreement between OSU and the Coalition of Graduate Employees, American Federation of Teachers Local 6069, should also refer to that document and seek guidance from OSU’s Office of Human Resources.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty is defined as an act of deception in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or effort of another person, or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic work or research, either through the Student’s own efforts or the efforts of another. It includes:
- CHEATING — use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids, or an act of deceit by which a Student attempts to misrepresent mastery of academic effort or information. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying or collaboration on a test or assignment, using prohibited materials and texts, any misuse of an electronic device, or using any deceptive means to gain academic credit.
- FABRICATION — falsification or invention of any information including but not limited to falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references.
- ASSISTING — helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty. This includes but is not limited to paying or bribing someone to acquire a test or assignment, changing someone's grades or academic records, taking a test/doing an assignment for someone else by any means, including misuse of an electronic device. It is a violation of Oregon state law to create and offer to sell part or all of an educational assignment to another person (ORS 165.114).
- TAMPERING — altering or interfering with evaluation instruments or documents
- PLAGIARISM — representing the words or ideas of another person or presenting someone else's words, ideas, artistry or data as one's own, or using one’s own previously submitted work. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to copying another person's work (including unpublished material) without appropriate referencing, presenting someone else's opinions and theories as one's own, or working jointly on a project and then submitting it as one's own.
Academic Dishonesty cases are handled initially by the academic units, following the process outlined in the University’s Academic Dishonesty Report Form, and will also be referred to SCCS for action under these rules.
Office of Equal Opportunity and Access
The OSU Office of Equal Opportunity and Access defines sexual harassment as the following:
- Unwelcome* sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education;
- Submission to or reject of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment of education –related decisions affecting such an individual; or
- Such conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive that is has the effect, intended or unintended, of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance because it has created an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment and would have such an effect on a reasonable person of that individual’s status.
*Employee conduct directed towards a student – whether unwelcome or welcome – can constitute sexual harassment under OAR.
There are two confidential resources to discuss reporting options: Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV) provides 24/7 confidential crisis response at 541-754-0110 or 800-927-0197, and OSU Sexual Assault Support Services is available weekdays at 541-737-7604.
Student Records
Both federal and state laws permit Oregon State University staff to release directory information (e.g. name, address, degree program, birth date) to the general public without your consent. You can prohibit the release of directory information to the public by signing the Confidentiality Restriction form available from the Registrar’s Office. It will not prohibit the release of directory information to entities of Oregon State University that have a “need to know” to accomplish their required tasks. It further will not prohibit Oregon State University departments from including your name on mailing lists for distribution of materials that are essential to your enrollment at Oregon State University.