Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Student Association (FWGSA)
Graduate students enrolled in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife have formal representation to departmental faculty meetings through their graduate student representative. The graduate student representative will be chosen by the Fisheries and Wildlife graduate student body during a meeting held within the first few weeks of fall quarter. The term of the representative extends through the academic year and the summer. The representative can be chosen through a process of consensus or a formal vote. This can be determined by the current graduate representative. All degree candidates are eligible, but priority will be given to a student in the second year of their degree program. The responsibilities of the graduate student representative include:
- Organizing a fall graduate student meeting wherein a new representative will be chosen
- Representing graduate students at regular faculty meetings and keeping graduate students informed on issues of particular concern that are raised in those meetings
- Appointing a proxy to attend any faculty meeting that they are unable to attend