Greater sage-grouse

Christian Hagen, Dan Edge, Katie M. Dugger, Lee Foster

Latin name: Centrocercus urophasianus

In the summer of 2012 wildfires burned more than 1 million acres of sagebrush habitat in eastern Oregon. In collaboration with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, we are conducting a study to investigate the effects of one of these fires on the fitness and habitat selection of local sage-grouse populations. To this end we are utilizing advanced GPS telemetry technology to quantify adult hen survival, breeding success, and habitat selection within the fire altered landscape. Finally, we plan to examine links between habitat selection of individual hens and their eventual demographic outcomes, so as to identify source and sink habitat within the post-fire landscape.

More information

Did you know? During the early brood rearing period, many of our radioed hens moved their broods into a live-fire zone.


Sveum, C., W. D. Edge, and J. Crawford. 1998. Nesting habitat selection by sage grouse in south-central Washington. Journal of Range Management 51:265–269.

Sveum, C., J. Crawford, and W. D. Edge. 1998. Habitat selection by sage grouse broods in south-central Washington. Great Basin Naturalist 58:344–351.

An abstract of the thesis of Lee Foster for the degree of Master of Science in Wildlife Science presented on May 31, 2016.
Title: Resource Selection and Demographic Rates of Female Greater Sage-Grouse Following Large-Scale Wildfire