Bruce Dugger
Latin name:Â Gallinula galeata sandvicensis
The Hawaiian Common Gallinule is a species of waterbird, only found on the main Hawaiian islands, that is listed on the U.S. Endangered Species List. Human development on its preferred lowland wetland habitats and the introduction of non-native predators are the primary causes of population declines. One of the largest remaining populations of gallinule occurs at Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge on the island of Kauai. One of the most photographed locations in Hawaii, tourists view Hanalei NWR from the overlook near the Foodland grocery store by Princeville (the taro fields are on the refuge). Comparatively, little is known about gallinule biology on Kauai and Dr. Bruce Dugger has begun studying how gallinules use managed seasonal wetlands and wetlands used for taro agriculture to meet their daily and seasonal habitat needs as well as how management of these habitats influences habitat conditions for gallinules. Â
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