Lesser prairie-chicken

Christian Hagen

Latin name: Tymapnuchus pallidicinctus

Lesser prairie-chicken populations have declined by >90% since the 1800s. These declines have concerned both biologists and private conservation groups and has also led to a petition to list the lesser prairie-chicken as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Most of the land in the current range of the lesser prairie-chicken is privately owned, and declines have been primarily attributed to anthropogenic factors. Conversion of native rangeland to cropland and excessive grazing have been implicated as leading causes in the species' decline. Periodic drought has probably exacerbated these problems. Little research on habitat requirements was conducted prior to 1970.

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Please see my Google Scholar page for most updated list.

Spencer, D., D. A. Haukos, C. A. Hagen, M. Daniels, and D. Goodin. Conservation Reserve Program mitigates grassland loss in the lesser prairie-chicken range of Kansas. Global Ecology and Conservation. 9: 21-38.

Coates, P., M A. Ricca, B. G. Prochazka, M. L. Brooks, E. J. Blomberg, K. E. Doherty, C. A. Hagen, and M. L. Casazza. 2016.  Wildfire, Climate, and Invasive Grass Interactions Negatively Impact an Indicator Species by Reshaping Sagebrush Ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 45: 12745–12750.

Severson, J.P., C. A. Hagen, J. D. Maestas, D. E. Naugle, J. T. Forbes, and K. P. Reese. 2016.  Conifer Encroachment Effects on Sage-Grouse Nest-Site Selection in Southeastern Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management online early, 10.1002/jwmg.21183

Miller, R., J.D. Maestas, D. E. Naugle, G. Hall, and C.A. Hagen. Special issue: Targeted woodland removal to recover at-risk grouse and their sagebrush-steppe and prairie ecosystems Rangeland Ecology and Management online early.