Streaked Horned Lark

Randy Moore

Latin name: Eremophila alpestris strigata

Streaked Horned Larks are a subspecies of horned lark once found west of the Cascades from Oregon's Rogue River Valley and north to southwest British Columbia. They have experienced severe range retraction and currently occupy only the Willamette Valley, the Lower Columbia River Basin, and the southern Puget Trough. As of 2012, streaked horned larks are listed as federally threatened. Dr. Randall Moore has studied lark ecology extensively and worked with USFWS to construct a federal recovery plan.

Did you know? Though there are probably fewer than 4,000 individual streaked horned larks in existence, and their global range is extremely small, there is a very clear difference in vocalization between northern and southern individuals. Whether it's clinal variation or something other is under investigation.


Research Paper

Pearson et al. 2012. Nest exclosures do not improve Streaked Horned Lark nest success.

J. Field Ornithol. 83(3):315–322. 

*Also many reports to the USFWS, citations available upon request.